Chapter 2

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A week already passed and there's a daily crisis at home.

This explains why school and home have a resemblance. No complement.

I had a beautiful dream of Taylor and I living our lives to the fullest.

His words of love touching my heart but, that was just a dream. I need a reality

Check. Well, I just got one. We're just in a relationship.

"Hannah, wake up sweetie." Mom whispered softly while shaking

Me gently. My eyes fluttered open then slowly closed again.

She shook me harder until I had the strength to sit up with my hair an Afro mess

And my eyes shut. I was listening.

"You gotta go now." She whispered while helping me to my feet. I felt

Lifeless and couldn't feel my legs. That resulted to me collapsing to the

Ground and sort of snoozing there.

"Hannah, stop fooling around. You're not even dressed!" She panicked while dragging

Me to my closet until I could walk on my own.

I got a simple black crop top, Jean shorts and sneakers. I wore a simple

White cardigan so I don't get reprimanded for my attire and a gold chain necklace.

Well fake gold, I'm not a millionaire.

I packed a granola bar and my water bottle before mom drove me.

No, no, no, no, no, no. No me gusta! School spells H - E - L - L. It's a terrible

Place where people damage your self esteem. It's not friendly to people aren't

Popular. So, I'm basically an outcast.

The only thing that lightened up the day was Taylor's welcoming kiss. It was

Brief since I didn't want the teachers to notice and I'm not so used to passionate.


"You haven't texted me yesterday." He pouted playfully while putting

His arm around my neck, like usual. He herded me to the locker's corridor

Like he usual did like last year.

"I want you to meet someone." He smiled while leading me to this unfamiliar

But crazy attractive guy. His eyes were a captivating shade of blue and he had

Darkish - lightish hair.

"This is Cody Lawrence." Taylor introduced me to the guy. Why does it seem

Like I'm falling for him? I'm already taken. Damn, his looks can steal me blind.

"Hi." Cody waved nervously. Shy for a cute guy. His ranking's probably the second

Cutest guy in school since Taylor's number one. This explains Tessa's unwanted presence

At the moment.

I waved and replied softly.

"Taylor, guess what! I'm running for student council president! How fantastic

Is that?" Tessa squealed expecting much of a reaction. This is why Tessa spells

S - T - U - P - I - D.

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