Apparently, you...
Louis sat there for a second dumbfounded. Letting the words sink in. After all, why would an Alpha be sniffing out Louis, he isn't part of a pack, he's nothing special. He quietly asked Why me? He cringed as it sounded a lot more rude than intended.
I... Don't know? I was tracking this smell I found, it turned out to be you. The black wolf explained howling before sitting in front of Louis waggling his tail.
W-why'd you howl? Louis asks suspiciously.
Because, when we find what we are tracking, we howl! The alpha explained excitedly That's our second rule. He elaborated. Louis didn't bother to ask what 'the rules' where. But Louis looked at the large alpha as his tail wagged. That's when Louis realised, the Alpha didn't smell the same as the Alpha's in his friends' pack, this makes the Omega curious, once again flopping his wolf head to the side. But still not daring to look into the Alphas eyes.
What pack are you in? He asks without thinking. Automatically regretting it as Louis knows he should mind his own business and not question others, especially a much larger, stronger Alpha.
I-I'm kind of not - in a pack - I have a human master and another Alpha who I live with I guess... He spoke slowly as if letting Louis devour the information, to take it and use it elsewhere, it intrigued the small Omega yet he felt like it screamed danger at the same time. Alluring yet alarming. And yourself? The Alpha added, realising he hasn't asked Louis this yet.
I have a human mum... I live with her. Louis replied. He didn't know why he was telling the wolf things he wouldn't usually tell a stranger. It's just that the Alpha would look at him with those welcoming, unjudgemental forest green eyes with so much curiosity - it would be hard for Louis to resist them. My name's Louis by the way... What's yours? The Omega asked shyly, not wanting to seem needy to talk to the Alpha, yet for some reason, still wanting to talk to him.
Harry... The Alpha nodded Nice to meet you Louis. The Omega now properly took in the Alpha, studying all of his features, he feels as though he should. Yet Louis feels a little discombobulated - he hasn't got the slightest idea as to why though.
Ditto. Was the only kind of sentence Louis was able to say whilst in his trance. He watched the Alpha intently, seeing how his black fur would sway sideways when the wide picked up a little, the way his tail wagged whilst he sat; all of this made Louis wonder what Harry would look like in Human form. He knows that Harry would still have those captivating eyes and curly hair, but can't possibly think of it humanly possible. Just at this moment, as Louis was indulging in his thoughts, a powerful howl came from the distance - Harry's ears struck up listening intently as he stood.
I - I have to go, my master is calling... Harry explained as Louis stood too. I'd love too see you again sometime. Goodbye Louis. And as that was said, Harry sprinted off on all fours leaving Louis before he had a chance to say bye to the Alpha. The omega watched the Curly-haired wolf disappear into the trees. He looked around, only now realising it's dark, and his own mother would be worrying if he didn't come home soon. So on that thought, he made his way home.
When Harry returned to his apparently new home, Anne scowled at the wolf as he shifted back to his human form. Gemma threw some joggers to the young Alpha and he accepted them, pulling them up his seemingly never ending legs. Harry looks up to the women in front of him, both looking unimpressed. "What?" He asked confusedly.
"Where did you go? Without my permission." Anne demanded crossing her arms and looking disapprovingly at her new Alpha.
"I went into the forest, I was looking around and I found a-"
"I don't care what you found. You're not going to see it again if you carry on the way you are. One of my rules is consulting me before you leave the farm or anywhere we are." Anne reminded the curly-haired boy harshly, as he looked down at his feet. "You do this again, and you'll suffer the consequences of your actions. But as it is your first day here, I don't particularly want to punish you. But I promise you this Harry. If you do this next week, next month, or even tomorrow - you will know what comes with disobeying me."
"Yes, master." Harry spoke quietly, lacking the bold confidence he usually had when conversing with others.
"Now, dinner is ready -you may come inside the house now." Anne said stepping to the side to allow Harry and Gemma to go into the house before her.
The house was pretty large, only Anne would stay in the house though. Anne cleaned, cooked, slept, watched TV and read books all alone, making the Alphas sleep outside in the large barn because in Anne's eyes, that's all they were - wolves; wolves that should be kept outside. Although she allowed them the privilege of eating in the dining room with them, as she explained earlier that day at breakfast to Harry. They walked through the hallway in silence, Gemma in front with Harry following and Anne behind watching the two Alphas as they walked. The walls of the dining room were covered in heads of lifeless animals that she has presumably killed and beheaded herself to hang on her walls. There were all kinds of creatures: Bears, Gazelles, Lions, Omegas and Betas. But one that stood out the most by far, was the large Alpha head that was in the middle of the main wall, with a gold plaque underneath that read:'Ed: Male alpha (1983-2013)' This scared Harry the most as Gemma told him that their was an alpha before him as Anne has always had two Wolf hunters (as Anne likes to call them) at a time and the last one was killed by Anne herself as he didn't obey and oblige the rules.
Harry gulped. He has ate meals with the lifeless creatures in front of him twice already, but he doesn't particularly like them -no, he despises them. It reminds him of who he doesn't want to be. He doesn't want to be hell bound to human Master and become - in Harry's eyes; a cannibal. He sighs sitting in the seat now known as his - since last night. He looks to the plate that is in front of him, cringing as he knows what it is. It's another wolf. And if he doesn't eat at least half, he'll be breaking one of the rules that Gemma had explained to him. Bad things happen from not listening to the rules. You end up on the wall. So as Anne speaks of what Harry will be doing tomorrow, Harry plays with most of his food, only eating the necessary amount before asking to be excused. He was accepted his leave and stood up thanking Anne for the food (Which he didn't like) and scurrying back to the barn that him Gemma and himself had to sleep in.
Harry got to the brown wooden barn with straw scattered all over the floor. He looked around the surroundings he'll soon be properly familiar with: The stacks of hay in the far left corner where Gemma sleeps. The wooden hang boxes that are nailed to the back wall one containing bandages, gauzes and other medical equipment as well as one full of soaps, sponges and toiletries, and the last one had magazines, books and other 'luxuries' Anne said they could have. A hang nail on the wall underneath the middle wooden box was used as a hook to hold a brown sack that contained apples in. Another thing Anne said is a privilege that would be taken away if taken advantage of - like eating in the house and the books. On the side walls, there is a tap - this tap drips constantly into the dog bowl that has been placed underneath it. Harry finds it disgusting how his so-called-Master wants him to drink from it. Yet he doesn't dare complain as he thinks the bowl would be take away and he'd be left to drinking from the actual tap. Harry sighs sitting down on one of the Barrels adjacent to the stacks of hay, putting his feet up on the other. He felt sick. He was repulsed with what he was made to eat. He stood up going to the toilet that they had on the left side of the barn - open for anyone to see. He quickly began heaving and threw up all of what he was forced to eat. He groaned standing up and going to the dripping tap and shoving his hand under it, cupping them to put the water in his face to clean up a little. He sighed rubbing his face. Walking over to the back wall retrieving an apple from the sack. He sat on the barrel once again to eat the apple. He sighed once again.
Gemma came back an hour later, going straight over to the hay stacks, changing into her wolf form as that how she preferred to sleep - for a reason unknown to Harry. Harry looked to the Alpha then decided he too should get some sleep, especially if Anne wants to speak with him tomorrow. Although, as he leant his head on the barrel he was sat on less than a minute ago, he thought of one thing and one thing only. ]
The small Omega with brown hair and the most hypnotic blue eyes he had ever seen.

The Omega And The Alpha (Larry Mpreg au)
Fanfiction"He's more myself than am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." {Alpha!Harry} {Omega!Louis} Based off of The fox and the hound at the start but becomes it's own story a few chapters in :)