Nothing's gonna hurt you.

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Description: Benson decides to cut off ties with a female he was dating, later on he starts feeling terribly as he was afraid to never find anyone else to love, he locked himself up in his own apartment and so Mordecai decides to be there for him.

( Listen to "Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby" by Cigarettes After Sex )

"Hey, have you seen Benson?" Mordecai questioned meanwhile raking the leaves, feeling nervous and shaken up after two days of not seeing his boss anywhere around the Park.

"Yeah.. he's dealing with some real life stuff right now.." Skips let out, deciding not to really give it another thought as everyone has gone through mental breakdowns, or just complete isolation from people, but.. he noticed how Mordecai felt, it almost seemed like that blue jay truly missed their short-tempered boss.

"Miss him eh?" he looked up at him, seeing that Mordecai's face perked up then suddenly stopped raking the leaves.

"It's not like I miss him Skips.. it's more like we all need him here, y'know?" the blue jay looked back at Skips while smiling, and even though what Mordecai had said is true, no one would have ever thought of Mordecai basically admitting that he needs him aswell.

"Pay him a visit. He needs it." Skips skipped up to him then puts a hand on his shoulder, Mordecai felt more than happy to do so, after all Benson would have done the same for him.

"I sure will man." he nodded, still continuing to do his work for a little while, thinking that Skips meant later on when in reality he meant, right now.

"Unless.." Mordecai questioned.

"I'm talking about right now, go visit him right now." he chuckled while shaking his head, Skips could not believe the stupidity Mordecai had when it came to obvious situations.

"O-o-oh.. ri-ight.. but, hey Skips, tell Rigby I went to pay him a visit, alright?" he dropped whatever he had in this hand before going off, Skips nodded and so on Mordecai went, he ran all the way to Benson's apartment.. not looking back, not questioning anything, he knew that he had done the right choice, he knew that he had to check up on his dear friend and boss.


Mordecai finally was on the doorstep of Benson's apartment, he could see that there wasn't a single light on. He sucked in air then breathed out, "Alright.." he nodded then knocked on his door.

Knock, knock.. no response, and so he decided to knock three more times..

knock, knock, knock. "Hey.. dude? It's me, Mordecai." he gulped, trying not to sound like he was fearing of what Benson looked like, because who had a clue of what Benson was going through? Mordecai sure didn't know shit.

"..Coming.." Benson yelled out, having a hoarse voice, the blue jay could heard him struggling to open the door, or well.. to even make his way to the door at first, and so there he was, his boss. Ah.. fuck, he sure looked like a fucking depressed mess, but Mordecai wasn't surprised, and neither was Benson to see him.

"Coming in." Mordecai stepped in his apartment and closed the door for Benson so it didn't have to be much of a bother for him to do so.

"....You here to laugh at me?" Benson felt his throat closing in on him, he hadn't taken a shower in possibly some days, it seemed like he didn't give a flying fuck about eating food or drinking water at all.

"Why would I dude?" he questioned, looking at Benson, noticing what he was wearing which was a very dirty bathrobe.

Benson shrugged, then tried to walk off to his room, "Benson.." the blue jay gripped onto the gumball machine's hand while whispering softly, Mordecai's voice and touch was too soft yet very surprising to Benson, it was a touch that he yearned for a long time.

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