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They were all catching up with each other, it felt so mesmerizing for all of them, to see the families they all have built throughout many years and now they are in the same spot as they were in the past, their past job, their wonderful Park. The twenty-five year reunion, they couldn't believe that throughout many years, they would still be able to meet each other once again.

Especially, Benson and Mordecai.

"No kids eh? You decided to go the easy route dude." he smirked while patting the gumball machine's back

"Oh, ha, yeah. Didn't want my life to be stressful like it was with you and Rigby." he replied back in a mocking tone.

Mordecai sat down on a bench, looking at Benson before patting the other side of the bench, indicting him to sit beside the blue jay, "Sit down dude, I don't peck."

"Haha, very funny Mordecai.." he rolled his eyes then sat down beside him, he couldn't believe that this was happening.

"Feeling weird?" the blue jay gulped after what he said, yeah.. they both knew what happened between them.

"Uh.. who wouldn't feel weird?" the thing though, it wasn't awkward for them, it just felt strange and out of place for them to be sitting on the same bench where it all happened.

"Look.. I.. well.. you see.." Mordecai was stumbling on his words, incapable of forming a simple sentence or forming his thoughts in order.

"You have a family now. I'm married. What more is there to our history?" there wasn't anger in his voice, it felt more like disappointment, especially the remark of him being married, it didn't feel right when it came out of his mouth, they both could feel that.

"We two know the aftertaste remains Benson.." they both looked at each other, and that's when they both remembered it all, they didn't need to, but they wanted to relive that moment once again.


"What's gonna become of this Park now?" asked Benson in a worrisome tone, meanwhile he looked down at his legs.

"I don't know Benson." Mordecai looked at him and saw how worried he was about this Park, I mean.. they just lost Pops, they came back to Earth, everyone was so confused and worried about everything.

"You won't be working here any longer, correct?" he shook his head slightly then quickly looked at Mordecai.

"I.. would love to dude.. but, I don't.. think this would be for me anymore." the blue jay gulped enough for his boss to notice, it seemed like he wasn't actually gonna stay to work here at all.

"Of course Mordecai. You're still young, you wanna be out in the open world more.." he tapped the bench they both were sitting on as Benson looked around.

"It's not that I want to be in the open world more.. it's more like, there's something that just tells me to not stay here any longer.." Mordecai shrugged then noticed how Benson's shoulders were tense and patted him on the shoulder.

"You're kinda young as well Benson, you shouldn't fret about it man.." his boss shook up at this comment and how sincere he said it. It felt too.. good? He felt good? Huh.. weird.

"Young eh? Not young enough to be with someone your age." he mumbled then coughed after doing so, but to his surprise Mordecai did indeed hear him.

"Dude, you act hip n' all of that, you like rock, you could go to concerts.. live the young life and find someone my age. You ain't old.." he slightly chuckled when he saw that his boss was blushing.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2019 ⏰

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