C H A P T E R 9

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I sat in front of my blank canvas not knowing what to draw once again, but this wasn't like the one at school because this portrait wasn't important. My hands just itched to draw something, but my mind was empty yet at the same there were so many images that I had created. But it seemed like none was cut out to be drawn.

Rubbing my eyes, I groaned softly. It's been four hours since Enna had left and two hours since the family had come back home. There were not much questions asked about personal lives because after the warning I had given to the nerd, she didn't want me asking her questions so I complied with her.

I wanted to carry on, that sick side of me wanted to break her apart and watch her as she cried, as she suffered through the memories and torment that I could put her through. But I could watch her do that, not since she decided to put up with me for five hours to make me understand how things worked in all the science subjects as well as making some of my English part of the tutoring having to re read all the words I messed up.

After she had left, it had just been me on my own for two hours until Josette, Drew and the girls came back. Don't ask me what I had done in the two hours that I was by myself because I had no clue myself; it was mostly spent trying to figure out whether there was any point in smoking before they got home, but I was sitting in front of the TV.

For the majority of the time, I had wondered what exactly was behind the walls of Enna but I had already been in her business enough today. However right now, I didn't have anything to paint and the only image in my mind was the naked body of the opposite sexy. That was an easy thing to draw though and I wasn't going to waste my time doing that.

I swivelled my chair over to my desk which had piles of random homework pieces and exercise books I didn't use as well as my beloved laptop. Turning it on, I decided to look at the missing case of Enna's sister but then I remembered that I didn't know Enna's surname and even though I had been told about it before, I didn't remember it now.

Growling under my breath, I almost slammed my laptop shut until I came to a thought that she might have facebook. I clicked on the website and then the search bar, typing in her first time but I came with no avail because she didn't have an account, leaving me back to the same point I was at before I started this weird stalker thingy.

I got up from my seat and for a second, I didn't know what to do. Defeated, I slumped down onto my bed and rested my elbows on my legs before putting my head in my hands. A knock on the door brought me out of my misery and I looked at the door open and saw Chelsie walk in with a small smile on her face.

"Aren't you supposed to be downstairs watching a film?" I questioned. Basically every Saturday, since Drew and Josette had the night off it had meant that the whole family watched some Disney film and since I was practically always around them, I let them be a family. It's not like they forced me to go, I made my decision.

Chelsie climbed on my bed and came to my side, hugging me. I pulled her closer to me and tickled her. "Mommy and daddy were arguing again and Skye fell asleep." I furrowed my eyebrows, I knew that married couples were okay to have an occasional fight or two, but they vowed never to argue on movie night.

"I'll come downstairs with you and watch the film, okay?" She shook her head and yawned. I sighed and carried the girl with me to her room as she grinned on my shoulder; one of these days I was going to have to learn that children had tricks up their sleeve in order to get carried to sleep. I placed her in her bed and sat down in the chair near her bed.

"You're a bit too old for stories now, Chels. I'll just tell you something random, any choices or special recommendations?" I asked her, making her grin at me. "Yeah, I want to know more about Enna! Can you talk about her pretty eyes too?" I cleared my throat and shook my head.

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