10 | fetching you up

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Chapter 10


Dude, call me ASAP whenever you're free.

I immediately pinged Dan after I left the Dela Vega's mansion. The dude needs to know that I've found her so he could stop the investigation.

He'll probably freak out hearing the whole story. He called when I arrived home.

"Hey man, what's up?"

"I found her dude and you won't believe where."

"Don't left me hanging in here man." He demanded.

"She's Ethan's youngest sister all this time and the whole story bugged me." I stated.

"What?! He never mentioned of having a sister before. Is she out of wedlock?"

I heaved a sigh. "No. She's Kiel's twin sister."

"What the fuck is going on?"

"I have no idea. Her brothers won't spill a thing as per her request. She's like a puzzle dude."

A mystery puzzle.

And I would like to solve it no matter what.

"So I had to deal with her as a repayment. Hopefully I could dig informations as well. That girl piqued my curiosity all of a sudden." I continued.

"Call me when you need any help man." He finally said.

"Sure dude." I said before bidding goodbye.

Sunday morning. I got up early and instructed one of the maids to fix the guest room beside mine.

She gave me a frown but didn't say a thing when I mentioned that the room will need girl stuffs.

After an hour, I inspected what she did and I'm satisfied. I headed back to my room, took a shower and went to the kitchen for breakfast.

The clock reads seven fifteen and it's too early fetching Claire. So what, I don't care. Besides, I can hangout with her right?

We're all in the kitchen eating breakfast. Mom kept glancing on my direction and it made me feel uneasy. Something's bothering her and it includes me for sure.

I guess she can't keep it anymore and asked. "Wanted to tell us something Nathaniel?"

I furrowed. "Tell you what Mom?"

She heaved a sigh. "Ella told me something. You know what I mean."

Sometimes I wonder if our maids we're talking CCTV's that Mom hired just to spy. I am suppose to tell my parents not them!

"Ah uh you'll meet her later Mom." I replied.

"How long will she stay here?" My evil sister butted in. I just wish that she won't bother Claire.

I shrugged. "Eight months or so."

"That long? Is she pregnant with your child Nathaniel?!" Mom asked the question I least expected.

I nearly spit my food.

I rolled my eyes. "I wish she is Mom but no."

Jeez! The peaceful breakfast I wanted became an interrogation.

"But why is she staying here?" This time it's Dad.

"She'll work for me that's all." Oh God! I wanted to end this conversation already.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes Mom." Thanks God they seemed satisfied and didn't add more questions.

I can't blame Mom for questioning me though. She's a typical conservative Filipina Mom after all and I swear, she has the power to beat my twenty seven year-old ass.

I smirked internally. If only she knew the number of girls I brought in my apartment back in the US. She'll bury me alive for sure.

I finally left home at about nine in the morning. Since it's Sunday, my usual two hours drive going to their mansion was cut off by half.

Nana Lourdes told me that she's in the garden. I can say that she just woke up because of her appearance.

She's wearing an oversized t-shirt that's full of paint stain. And her hair is like of a bird's nest. I can't help but smile seeing her innocent side.

"Excited much to start my slavery huh?" Claire asked when she spotted me.

"I just wanted to spend more time with you." I shrugged. Oh well, yeah I'm a natural flirt.

"What if I don't like that?" She asked in a poker face.

Oh this girl. She's so hard to read.

"Don't worry babe, I can show you my medical records just to prove that I'm clean."

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

"Are you this cold talking to people?" I asked with irritation.

"Not really. Instead of flirting, why don't you brief me with my job?"

Aww that's harsh.

I heaved a sigh. "Just be with my side and do what I tell you to do."

"What kind of job description is that?"

"A job description only made for you babe." I smiled.

"Okay fine. I can clean your office, cook you food or do your laundry. Just don't make me do office stuff, you'll regret it."

I looked at her feeling amused. Did she wanted to be my personal maid? That's not gonna happen obviously. Okay maybe she can cook me food.

"Why? Your family owned a multi-million company after all."

"Because it isn't my forte that's why I suck with that." She replied.

She's opening up with me. Good.

"And what's that forte you're talking about?"

"Painting. Mind if I eat my breakfast? I'm starving already."

"Sure, but can I come with you in the kitchen?" I asked slyly. Thankfully, she let me. Sweet.

"So the paintings in the living room was your work?"

She nodded.

"It's beautiful." I said and I mean it.

"Thanks." She mumbled. "Want to have some?" She asked while getting her food.

"No thanks I'm full." I replied. I just wanted to watch her eat.

"Well then, it's your loss." She said before digging her food- bare hands.

My mouth became watery while watching her. She eat without inhibitions unlike most girls. And I can say that she has a big appetite. She eats like a man.

"Can I have some of that?" I can't take it anymore and wanted to join her.

"I thought you said that you're full?" She asked while chewing her food.

"The way you eat makes me hungry." I replied.

She then gave me a genuine smile and my heart melt because of that.

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