When you Meet Him the Second Time

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Hey guys, thanks for reading! I'm sorry this is so late i've been hella busy. Hopefully i'll be updating more frequently. The ages you and the turtles are in this story are roughly 16/17/18, I've decided. So now, without further ado, when you meet him the second time!



            You were about to go meet your (best/friend) for an admittedly late dinner. You opened your door and took a step backward. Leo was standing there looking as if he was about to knock. “Uh…hey.” He said awkwardly, looking at his hand before quickly lowering it, embarrassed.

            “Is that always going to be your opening sentence?” You ask, referring to the first time you met.

“Er…no.” He answered. It was obvious this conversation was not going the way he had hoped.

“Let’s try this again. Hi Leo, why were you about to knock at my door before I scared you by opening it?” You tried.

He chuckled nervously. “Hi (y/n) I was wondering if you wanted to hangout?” He asked cautiously.

            “Sorry Leo, not today. Maybe some other day?” You ask, secretly hoping he’s not mad that you won’t tonight.

            “I didn’t necessarily say today, so any day is fine, yeah.” He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

            “Anything else?” You ask, feeling awkward as well now.

“No…” Leo said, trailing off at the end.

            You step out onto the porch next to him, making sure your door is shut securely behind you.

            “Where are you going at this hour?” He asked incredulously.

You think for a moment before opting for the truth. “My friend, (b/f), just got off her shift. We’re going to dinner.”

            Leo blinked at you. “What does she do?” He questions.

“Uh, she dances.” You say, trailing off.

            “Oh.” Leo says, catching the meaning. “Is she happy?” You nod. “It’s a good source of money, I hear. So props to her.” Leo says. Your heart warms instantly at Leo’s non-judging personality.

            “I really do have to go though Leo. Do you have a way I can reach you to schedule this ‘hangout’?” Leo grins and pulls out a small turtle shell. At your arched eyebrow, Leo turns it to face you. He grins triumphantly.

            “It’s a T-Phone. My brother Donnie invented it.” He says proudly. He looks at you, blinking slowly. “And it works on regular cell towers. So now if you would, (y/n), I require a phone number.”

            You giggle and give it to him, and then you say your goodbyes. And, even though you said your goodbyes, you felt his presence all the way to the restaurant where you were meeting your best friend. He made sure you made it safely.


 You were finally going to see that dinosaur exhibit. You were going alone, but that didn’t bother you. Your friends just didn’t get science the way you did. You respected that, and went alone, at dusk this time, instead of in the middle of the night. The sky was just darkening and the sunset was a gorgeous mix of red, pink and purple, with orange and dark blue fringing it. It was muted however, because of the light pollution beginning to overtake the night.


            You were humming to yourself, your (favorite/band)’s new song. It had a heavy beat, and made you walk a bit faster and with some more purpose than you usually have. About a block from the museum, footsteps fell into pace with yours. You looked to your right to see a massive guy with a hoodie pulled up over his head. “Hey (y/n).” He said.

            You grinned when you recognized the voice. “Hey Don.” He nodded and turned to you, offering his own grin.

            “I was hoping you’d recognize me.” He said, pushing his glasses up on his face. You did the same.

            “It’s kind of hard to forget about a giant, talking turtle, Don.” In fact you’d done the complete opposite. Since your first encounter last weekend, all you’ve done is think about the mysterious hero with the purple bandana. You looked at him again. Even with the hoodie on, he wore the bandana. “How do the strings of that fit in your hoodie? They’re like, long and flowy.” You say. Realizing it sounded stupid you try to recover at least a bit. “The mask. I was talking about the mask.”

            He chuckled. “I gathered that. And it’s not easy. I have to knot them and pull the hood over my head with one hand while I hold them and then let go once the hood is over my head.”

            “Why not go without the mask?” You inquire, even though you can guess at the answer.

            “Vigilante.” He replies. Yep, you guessed correctly.

“Technically I’m the only one that knows you’re the vigilante.” You state.

            “No.” He replies.

“No?” You ask, making your tone say ‘elaborate’. He sighs.

            “I’m assuming my brothers have told someone other than the two humans I already know. I say assuming because I told someone and I’m the smartest and usually the keenest to stay hidden.” He says.

            “Brothers? Two humans?” You ask. For every personal question Donnie answers, you need to ask two more. He sighs.

            “I have three brothers; Leonardo, Raphael and Michelangelo.” You giggle, interrupting his statement. “Yes,” He sighs again, “We’re named after renaissance artists. Anyway, Raph’s got this friend Casey. He’s kind of a vigilante too, just not famously. Then we have this friend, April. She knows too.” He stutter-stepped over April’s name, and your heart seemed to drop, but you asked anyway.

            “Crush on April?” You ask. His cheeks tinge pink and he won’t meet your eyes. He shrugs. “I guess. I think so, but I’m not so sure.” He says, sneaking a glance at you. You pretend you don’t notice it.

            You two make it in front of the museum and he laughs. “I guess we were going to the same place?” You ask. He nods. “Well then Don, why don’t we go see the dinosaurs together?”

            He blushes and you ‘don’t notice’. He opens the door and gestures. ‘After me, I guess.’ You think to yourself.


            You were leaving work and cutting through alleys again. You changed into covering clothes this week, and so far no one bothered you. It was stupid to cut through alleys, the rational part of your brain argued, but you were too tired to take the long way home.

            You shivered when you felt someone walking behind you. “Fuck.” You mutter and reach into your pockets for your key. The person gets close to you and you whip around and stab your key into their chest.

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