Chapter 2 Savior

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Fitz gasped, the note read,

Dear Fitz,

There is still away to save her, BUT YOU CANT TELL ANYONE! Do you really love her if you dont you may not want to do this. But you have to truly love her if even have a chance of saving her. Meet us in 3 days 6 doors down from slurp's and burp's (Dex's family buisness) 

From The Neverseen

"He must save her" he thought. 

The next 3 days at Foxfire ge tried extra hard in telepathy class just in case he needed to use it during his 'tests' with the neverseen.

That day he sat alone at lunch in the corner, all he could thick ink about was Sophie. But there was no way that she liked him back, she was the amazing Sophie Foster with many special abilities. The only thing that gave him hope was cognate stuff and there telepathy session together. 

At study hall he talked with Tam about if she comes back should he tell her his crush.

"Well if she does come back, I think you should ask her out or something ya know"

"Ok fine" Fitz sighed

That night he went up to his room and packed the stuff he needed and walked down the stairs, luckily everyone was asleep so he could just walked right outside he took out his Mysterium crystal and leaped away. 

When he arrived it was warm with a light breeze, a pretty nice night to be walking. He saw slurps and burps and counted 6 doors down from it. He was kinda terrified be a use the building looked like one of those abandon houses that a whitch lived in. Picture below👇🏼

Something like this without the fire and on the end of a street

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Something like this without the fire and on the end of a street

Fitz creaked open the door to see a semi  circle a elf's in black robes.

"Well well well look what we have here, a desperate Fitz trying so hard to get his love back"

Fitz recognized the voice immediately, it was Fintan's

"We will be testing you on your telepathy abilities,"Fintan said with a smirk "basically I will project what the test is in my mind and you will see it, then you will head upstairs and solve the puzzle then you will be 1 step away from getting Sophie back. And by the way you will be timed and the faster you do it the the less you will be tortured."

"TORTURED, I knew this was a trap"

"Its technically not a trap because you will be 1 step away from getting Sophie back"


"Ok now lets get started!" Fintan said with a bit of excitement in his voice

Fitz put his hands on Fintan's temples and entered his mind. As soon as he entered he felt pain shoot through himself as he opens his eyes to see Fintan with a dagger in hand, he thrust the sharp through his arm and he cried in pain. Then he goes black.

Sorry these chapters are short but hang in there they will get longer


The Neverseen A Sophitz StoryWhere stories live. Discover now