1. First Encounter

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Thank you so much for choosing this Fanfic Author Chan out!

Izuku's POV
I say goodbye to my mom and I head out for school as I walk to the gate I see two people standing there "Hey, Deku over here!" A girl with brown hair said "You're late Mydoria."
The guy with glasses said. I run up to them "Sorry Im late guys!" I said catching my breath
"Its okay Deku!" "Thanks Ururaka I'll try not to do it again!" I said "Anyways lets head to class guys!" Said Lida me and Ururaka nod and we head to class. The three of us sat down at the same time we all see the door open and everyone runs to their desk and sits down Aizawa Sensei walks in "We will now start class".

~Fast Forward to Lunch~

Ochaco's POV
"Deku wait up!" I ran up to the green haired freckled boy. "Oh, Hi Ururaka!" Deku said
"Where's Lida?" I said me just noticing hes not with Deku "Oh he's already in the Cafeteria."
"Typical Lida." I said with a sigh "Anyways we should head to the Cafeteria now!" Deku said
"Alright!" I said smiling. As we walk in the Cafeteria I see a boy with half white and red hair and I look at Deku staring at him he noticed I saw him staring at the boy and he looked away I smirk "oooh~ someone has fallen in lo-." I was cut off by Deku "Be quiet! He might hear you!"
He said while his face looking like a tomato.

Izuku's POV
Across the Cafeteria I see a boy with half red and white hair and then I end up finding myself staring at him. Ururaka notices and she says "oooh~ someone has fallen in lo-." I cut her off "Be quiet! He might hear you!" I said feeling my face heating up. In which we walk up to Lida and then with sit down there was silence for a bit and then Ururaka starts to speak "Lida, Deku has found someone he likes~" I start to feel embarrassed "Izuku who is it?" He asks. I stay silent until Ururaka says almost yelling"It's Todoroki!" Some people look at us and then it caught the attention of Todoroki he looks confused why she mentioned his name but he brushed it off
thank goodness he didn't come over here.

Shouto's POV
As I was eating I hear Ururaka yell "It's Todoroki!" She said I look up confused she caught the attention of everyone then I see Mydoria I look down trying to hide myself blushing and ignored the rest of the commotion. 'I had already knew I had a crush on Mydoria since the sports festival and I highly doubt he likes me back'.
Word count: 485
Thank you for reading the first chapter Im so sorry it was short but in the future I a-sure you that they will have atleast 5 paragraphs again thank you for reading this! Til next time see ya!

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