ethan's pov;
"are you even listening to me!?" my girlfriend asked me complaining about something.
"uh yeah." i replied, she rolled her eyes and pulled her skirt up more and walked away. i rolled my eyes going to y/n's locker.
me and y/n have been next door neighbors since we were born, which lead to us being best friends. but what i didn't know was that being her friend would make me fall for her, hard.
i heard her angelic laugh coming from her locker due to grayson being a dumbass and falling on the ground.
she saw me and waved, smiling with her pearly white teeth. god that smile makes me speechless. i waved back smiling and stood by them.
"are you coming to our game tonight?" i asked y/n hoping and praying that she would.
"of course always gotta support my eteeweetee and graybear." she said ruffling our hair.
"aw my hair." grayson groaned and she giggled.
"it's just hair besides you guys have a game tonight, and looking at the time you have about 5 minutes before you are late to coaches room, good luck!" she yelled while jogging away to her car. i watched her run away and smiled.
"bro you got to let those feelings go, you have a girlfriend." grayson told me and i sighed.
"i can't, she's just perfect to me." he sighed and patted my shoulder walking away while i walked behind him.
your pov;
i looked in my body mirror seeing if my outfit went together. i looked on my bed seeing ethan's jersey he gave to me and begged me to wear tonight. i smiled and rolled my eyes pulling it over my hoodie.
i sprayed perfume and finished my last touches. i nodded my head, grabbing my car keys and phone walking out the door to my car.
"bye honey have fun tonight be safe!" my mom yelled and i smiled at her and shut the door. i started the ignition and drove towards the school.
i parked in my parking spot and got out feeling the october breeze hit my face. i began to walk toward the field and the bleachers. i looked around trying to find one of my friends. i saw them waving at me and i waved back standing next to them.
"ethan's i'm guessing?" she asked and i nodded.
"he's so in love with you." she said and i rolled my eyes and smiled.
"we are best friends besides he has a girlfriend." i stated. she rolled her eyes at me and bumped my butt with her hip and we laughed watching the game began.
i spotted ethan and he looked over the crowd and locked eyes with me. he smiled and waved pulling his helmet over his head and i did back.
"really in love with you." my friend said and i didn't respond. maybe he was, but if you asked me if i had feelings for him, i wouldn't tell you no. i mean it's ethan dolan he is the charming, nice guy that every girl wants. how could you not have a huge crush on him?
i looked over and saw his girlfriend staring at me, glaring. i looked away and sighed. everyone from our side started cheering and yelling, i looked up and saw ethan scored a touchdown and i smiled.
maybe you like him, maybe love him y/n
i stood up and walked away from where i was sitting and looked for an exit. i couldn't sit there anymore thinking about something that couldn't happen.
"stay away from ethan." someone said and i looked up and saw sarah, his girlfriend the cheer captain.
"why would i do that? i'm just his friend and i get that you want me to-"
"just stay away from him, he doesn't like you or ever will got it. i'm what he wants not you, you are worthless compared to me."
wow, ouch.
"then i will if that's how you feel." i said and she smiled and wiggled her pom poms around.
"great thanks." she skipped along, while i felt a tear slip down my cheek.
"dammit." i whispered to myself. i began to jog, more like run to my car. i drove home and sat in my car parked in the drive way.
stay away from ethan
i didn't know four words could completely damage you until now. i saw ethan and grayson pull into their driveway, i looked away not wanting to draw attention to myself.
ethan has his head down and ignored his brother. grayson turned around and saw me, i quickly looked away shutting off my car. i got out and went inside my house, locking the door behind me.
i walked to my room and laid on my bed. my phone buzzed and buzzed. i looked over and saw ethan's id come up on it and i felt myself feel even more sad than before.
but things are the way they need to be, not what i want them to be.
monday morning
i walked into the front doors going to my locker. all weekend i stayed in my room, not answering anybody. i got to my locker and i heard sarah's obnoxious laugh but not ethan's. i looked and he just stared at me. he looked sad and exhausted, like he hadn't slept in days.
i shut my locker door, looking away. you could tell we were both hurt. but she wanted this, she wanted him so badly and me to be out the picture, she got what she wanted, shouldn't he be happy?
the last bell rung and everyone left class to their car or whatever they were doing. i walked to my car looking around at the leaves falling and the light breeze blowing.
"hey y/n wait!" ethan yelled and i stopped walking and breathing.
"where have you been? what happened to every saturday night we watch movies together with gray, we never miss those." my heart clenched.
"i got sick over the weekend." my voice cracked, still my back turned to him.
"can you please talk to me face to face?" he asked, i slowly turned around looking at him with my glossy eyes. his face softened and his arms came out to hug me. in the corner of my eye i saw sarah walking towards us.
"i-i need to go i'm sorry." i said and walked away with my tear slipping. i quickly wiped it away.
"ethan stop talking to her, i'm your girlfriend not her, she's worthless." i heard her say and i stopped again and turned around.
"no she's not, we are done don't ever talk to me again." ethan said and she gasped and ran away.
"i hate you ethan dolan you will regret this!" she yelled and he sighed in relief. he turned towards me and ran and hugged me.
"i thought i lost you." he said and i hugged him tight.
"i thought i would never be able to talk to you again because of her." i said and he looked at confused.
"at your football games she told me to stay away from you and that i was worthless." i said while he stared into my eyes. his eyes shined while looking at mine.
"and that's why i didn't answer you all-" he interrupted me by colliding our lips together. the instant warm, safe feeling took over. my head suddenly felt clear and i felt lost in paradise.
"i love you y/n, i have for the longest time. i'm so sorry she did that to you, if i knew what was going on i would have broke up with her earlier." he said and my heart fluttered.
"it's not your fault e, i love you too." he smiled and hugged me.
"it's always been you." he whispered and i smiled. so maybe we did love each other after all.
+ i have been inactive and i'm sorry :/