My alarm woke me at exactly 6:15am.
I groaned and reached over and hit it. I sat up and instantly felt sick.
I looked down at my arms and legs.. "New start. Positive. New life. Stay positive." As if I would forget, I mumbled it repeatedly.
I got up and chose the dark blue A.E. jeans I had, a white frilly like shirt and slid on a pair of turquoise flats.
I turned my straightener on and went downstairs. I didn't really feel like eating so I grabbed a few things and put them in my purse.
I said morning to mum and went to wake Jai up, typical, not awake and phone alarm going off on the opposite side of his room.
I straightened my hair and did my make up. I was ready by 7:45am and grabbed my hoodie. The bus came at the end of the drive at 8:00am.
Jai and I left together and got on the bus nervously..
Before we even got on I heard on girl say something toward Jai about being cute. I turned to him and he wasn't even paying attention to the people. He stopped at a seat toward the end of the bus and waited for me to sit down then sat beside me.
It was a 30 minute drive to school and I had gotten non stop texts from mother asking my whereabouts and if we were okay.
We arrived at school. Dunham High? Alright.
I walked in the front door next to my brother of course and the halls were filled with so many different people but one guy caught my eye. I dozed off.
His fair blonde hair and lip ring.. His style...