Bucky had promised the Peter that he would show him all the good parts of the world and he hadn't broken his promise. Peter was getting to know new people and things. He was doing the best a severely traumatised 8 year old with two personalities could.
Although the kid was making progress, Peter still had a long way to go. No one blamed the boy for this either, but it didn't mean the process wasn't difficult.
In the first week Peter was here, there were rules for the boy. More for the others to follow to not bring out Peter's more aggressive counterpart.
Do not mess with his food
This was established after Steve almost lost his hand for a second time.
Do not mess with Bucky
This rule was established after Clint had pranked Bucky. The archer had put soy sauce in milk and told Buck it was chocolate milk. When the super soldier spit the concoction out and sputtered like crazy, Peter didn't blink before drop kicking the man to the floor.
Do not touch Peter
No one had made the mistake of touching the boy. It's not that they didn't want to hug and be affectionate to the boy, but Bucky had told them not to. It wasn't a big issue seeing as Peter did his best to avoid contact with anyone other than Bucky.
The younger of the pair would follow the other like a baby duckling, the two attached at the hip. Bucky had never looked happier and as far as they knew Peter was as well. Other then the few slip ups, Peter had been moving forward in strides.
He began working with Tony in the lab after the boy had showed talent and interest in tech. Natasha had begun teaching Peter ballet to calm his nerves. With Steve and Bucky being good friends, it didn't take long for the boy to adjust to the mans constant fussing. No matter what the activity, Peter always had Bucky by his side.
When a mission had come up that Bucky and Nat couldn't miss, Tony and Steve were placed in charge of the boy. It took a lot of explaining and reassuring that Bucky would return for Peter to stop clinging to the man's arm. Bucky wasn't fond of the idea either. Peter needed him, and with thousands of worries plaguing his mind he was hesitant. After a bit of convincing and an approval from Peter the two left for their week long mission.
Seeing as the two were finished with the business keeping the pair in Asgard, Thor insisted that they visit the earth's mightiest heroes. With a roll of his eyes Loki followed his brother to the bifrost, tempted to see what trouble the mortals have stirred up on Earth.
Landing on the balcony of the residency of the heros, Thor drags Loki into the common area by his arm. As the two entered, a few of the residents ran into the room. "Hello Friends!" Thor exclaimed surprised to see the two so eager towards their arrival.What they didn't know was it had nothing to do with the men that had arrived.
Moments later a large creature came clamoring into the room, it's six blood red eyes and extra limbs targeting the fleeing avengers. Eyeing it's targets, the creature hissed and bared its fangs towards them. Thor didn't spare a moment before summoning Mjölnir.
The first days of caring for Peter seemed to be going smoothly. Rules were remembered and the kid didn't seem too deeply affected by the absence of his companion. They kept him busy and didn't push the boy to do anything much.
Steve was sitting in an armchair reading the newspaper and waiting for Peter to finish up his work in the lab with Tony for lunch. He hadn't heard anyone approach, but before he knew it the small boy was plopped in front of him. Out of surprise, Steve had suck his hand out to block an attack, accidently touching Peter's currently signing hand.
Without hesitation, the boy grabbed the offending hand and flipped the supersoldier through the air. Steve slammed roughly into the floor, air knocked out of his lungs. Now looking at the boy, he frantically attempted to apologise, but the words didn't seem to reach the boy.
Peter back away from the man, his face contorting and body curling into himself. When he hit the wall he fell to the floor, curling into a ball with is hand tugging at his head. "What's for lu.... Shit what happened?" Tony asked taking in the scene in front of him.
"I accidently touched Peter." Steve huffed out still catching his breath rising from the floor. "Shit Cap." Tony said then turning to Peter, "Kid, you okay?" Neither of them were really prepared for this. No one had broken rule three, so know one other then Bucky knew how to react. How fucking convent that Bucky wasn't here.
The boy stopped ripping his hands at his head, sitting for a moment before his face looked up. When it did, the three pairs of red eye let them know Petey was no longer in control. With a start, the boy jumped toward the pair, body changing along with his personality.
Steve and Tony booked it out of there, they both knew Red Recluse wasn't someone to mess with. They couldn't hurt the boy, but at the same time no one other then Bucky could put the creature into its place. So they ran, hoping to buy themselves some time to come up with a way to safely detain the raging Recluse.
Sliding into the main living area of the tower, the two skidded to a halt at the booming voice of one of the gods who had chosen now to visit. Not a moment later, Red Recluse was entering the room, skipping over the new bodies and eyeing his targets. As the raging spider moved toward his prey, they two saw the lighting god summon his hammer.
Before they could tell Thor otherwise, the hammer was thrown at the creature. As it hit Peter, he hissed and screeched at the man, who seemed to be his new target.
Loki watched the interaction in slight interest. The creature in front of him had caught his eye, specifically the emotional energy it was giving off. It seemed to radiate fear and hurt rather than an ill intent towards the three men before him.
It greatly reminded Loki of himself during his punishments in Asgard. He would remain stoic and strong willed on the outside, but terrified and in pain inside. He had felt it was the only way to protect himself. Who was going to listen or resonate with him after all he had done. Even now after all was solved, it was hard to allow the shell to break.
"Enough" Loki said loudly, stopping the fight going on between his brother and the spider creature who didn't seem to be all that affected from the hits. The green magic lightly restrained the creature, it wasn't something he had wanted to do, but it was necessary considering the spider was not done with Thor.
"I apologize spider for the restraints, I can tell your weary of them. I too despise the idea. It must be done for your own safety." Loki said not looking anywhere but the eyes of Recluse."I can tell how upset you are. The hurt and fear of whatever the mortals had done won't be hidden from me behind a strong wall. I would prefer for you to calm yourself so we can speak without restraints necessary."
As Loki spoke, Peter had began to come around at the mans words, both him and Recluse listened to him speak. Peter could tell the man was telling the truth, he felt the words as he spoke them. To some Loki may have looked bored or to be playing a trick, but Peter knew better than to overlook anything. He could see the subtle frown filled with pain when he spoke of the restraints and the slightest bit of fear slipping through the mans perfect demeanor.
'He feels it too Red.' Peter spoke the the spider side of himself. 'He could hurt us Peter, they all could.' Recluse spoke his stereotypical response. 'We don't know that for sure, they have been so kind towards us. The man just wants to talk, can't we just do that?' Peter reasoned with his other side.