Chapter III-Pokemon, Plushies, and NoseBleeds, Oh My!

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Lol, next chapter's the shopping experience of Namine and the higher ups!!!

Disclaimers: my fic, not my characters.

And Erika, FurryFur and others DO NOT belong to me!!!

And this is dedicated to TMMFan, who's going to New York.

We miss you (by we I mean, me)!

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Castle That Never Was

"ALRIGHTY THEN! First, round up all the-" Forbidden is interrupted by Xemnas bringing back Roxas.

"She needs to learn to let him go." He says and hands the whimpering infant to FurryFur. He vanishes into a portal.

"Uhh... Catch!" He gives him to Forbidden.

"You whiz on me, I'll hit you upside the head. And give you brain damage." she warns. Roxas's eyes widen and he nods.

"..That's what I thought." Forbidden plunks Roxas down on the floor gently.

"...How are we supposed to entertain like 10 babies?" FurryFur asks.

"We do what ALL good babysitters do! We use the Internet!" Forbidden says and whips out a laptop. She goes on a child caring site.

"..... Uhh.... Umm....... Hmmmm...."

"WILL YOU TELL ME ALREADY?!" FurryFur shouts.

"GEEZ! I am, hang on! I gotta run home for a sec!" Forbidden stands up and runs for the Gummy Ship.

"W-WAIT!" She takes off. FurryFur glances around nervously at the babies and small children staring at him.

"Biddy go bye bye!" Roxas waves at the ceiling. Xion giggles and mimics him.

"...You got that right." FurryFur says and rounds up the couches into a makeshift play pen for the younger babies.

"Kay... I'm gonna go make Axel and Saix a snack, Lexaeus, you're in-" Lexaeus is snoring quietly in an armchair by the window.

"OH FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE!!!" FurryFur cries. Sora starts to whimper.

"Larxy 'ungry!" Larxene says and holds her tummy.

"WHAT THE HELL DO BABIES EAT?!" Furry screams.

"I AM BAAAAAAAACK!!!" Forbidden's holding a box while FurryFur's trying not to have a panic attack.

".....Uhh... I had things TOTALLY under control." He says with a sheepish grin.

"..Riiiight. HERE! I brought some of my old toys and junk for them to play with!" Forbidden says and pulls out a bunch of stuffed animals. The kiddies start picking toys.

"Pwushie!" Demyx grabs a stuffed sheep.

"Kitty!" Xion grabs a stuffed cat.

"..HEY! YOU CAN'T HAVE KYO!!!" Forbidden says.

"Mousey?" Luxord grabs it and cuddles with it.

"Yuki kun.... I will avenge you." Forbidden vows.

"..... NOOOO!!! YOKO!" Larxene picks up a stuffed panda and she hugs it. The two sitters look on in surprise.

"....MINE!" Marluxia grabs a bunny and cuddles with it.

"THAT one don't surprise me." They both laugh.

"KAY guys! We're gonna watch TV now!" Forbidden grabs the television and moves it the couch play pen.

"...TV? That's it?" FurryFur asks.

"...Yeah? It's Pokemon, they'll like it." Forbidden pops in the tape and the kids start watching.

"..Nobody likes Pokemon anymore!" FurryFur argues.

"THIS IS THE FIRST SEASON!!! So, they'll like it!"

"...... I choose you! Pikachu!" A voice says from the screen.

"...Pika pika!" Xion chants and starts giggling.

"Awwww.... Cute!" Saix says when he sees the yellow mouse.

"........" Roxas's eyes widen and he glances over to Larxene.

"Huh?" Roxas crawls over to her and stares.

"...What's he doing?"

"PIKACHU!!!" Roxas squeals and tackles Larxene.

"OH MY GOD!!! THE CUTENESS!!" Forbidden falls over with a nose bleed.

"PIKACHU!!!" Roxas yells again and tugs at Larxene's tufts of hair.

"GGRRRRRR!!!" Larxene screams and Roxas gets sent flying with a shock of electricity.

"Dude! AGAIN!" FurryFur laughs.

"..." Lexaeus wakes up and manages to catch the flying Roxas in mid air.

"NICE CATCH!" Both kids give him a thumbs up. Axel and Saix clap.

"Holy crap, they have powers." They realize and Lexaeus looks nervously at the babies.

"We're surrounded." Forbidden hisses to Lexaeus and FurryFur.

"...They're babies; what can babies do?" FurryFur says confidently.

"....ATTACK!!!!!" Axel shouts and all three of the babysitters run for it.

"FINAL FUCKIN' LAST WORDS!!!!!" Forbidden screams as she dodges a tiny chakram.

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Nice job! not too funny, but we got a chase scene!

BTW, the nose bleed thing is from Karin.

The chick who has vampiric nose bleeds??

I'm using it as 'Cuteness overload.' (Alarm goes On)

Next Chapter is my 1st Favorite!

The Baby Organization XIIITahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon