Does That Make Me Bad?

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The thick rope cut and scratched at his wrists as he tried to struggle for release. The only thing he could see was darkness with the blindfold wrapped tightly around his aching head. The shot of pain he had felt earlier at the riverbank was now radiating through his whole head. The headache was painful enough to take him back into unconsciousness, but he fought to not let it win. As he gave up on the resisting, he could hear small drops of water hitting what sounded like concrete around him.

"Just a few more steps." A male voice came from nowhere suddenly. Felix tugged at his rope again and tried with the strength he had left to get them off in some way. "Have a seat my princess." He heard a metal chair scrap across the floor, and he tensed, trying to avoid the pain it caused to his ears. As soon as it stopped, he could hear it slightly bend under pressure and a small mumble caught his attention. It was a female's voice, it sounded like her mouth was taped shut and she was trying her best to speak. Felix's heart flew from his chest at the realization of who it could be. "Don't worry baby girl. We are about to have a lot of fun. Now I know you are mad at me, but I brought you a gift. You like gifts, right?"

Felix sat very still as footsteps started to come in his direction. Without any warning the blindfold was ripped away from his eyes. The pale bright light attacked his eyes as soon as it hit them, and Felix winced at the pain. He squeezed them closed to protect them, then opened them again to try and get them to adjust. It took a bit, but when they finally did, he could see for the first time his surroundings. He seemed to be in some sort of well house. A huge well stood proudly in the center of the room and condensation was dripping slowly off its circular ledge.

He jumped in fright as someone suddenly stepped into his point of view. A rather tall man wearing black jeans with holes in the knee area and a black silk buttoned up shirt, but some of the buttons weren't fastened. The man wore a large black coat and black timberland boots. He chuckled slightly as he bent down to face level with Felix. His almost white blonde hair was scruffy, and the bangs swept over into one of his eyes. He wore a mask which hid most of his face from Felix's view. "You're awake. Good on you mate." The rather deep Australian accent seemed familiar to Felix, but he just couldn't pinpoint why. "I hit you rather hard. Honestly, I thought I had accidentally killed you. Good to see you can take a hit and keep right on going." Felix fought to say something, to scream anything, but the heavy duct tape across his mouth prevented him.

The man quickly rushed to the other side of the room and stood in front of what Felix assumed was the person he brought in earlier. "Your present is great. I am sure you will love it baby girl." Felix watched as the mysterious man bent over to take the person in his arms. They had a burlap sack over their face, hiding their identity. While carrying the person on one shoulder, the man moved the chair directly in front of Felix's. He gently placed the other back in it. After, he ran over to one of the walls and grabbed a worn-out looking card table that was leaning against it. He set up the table directly between Felix and the other.

Felix watched as the guy walked around behind the other victim and rub his hand gently across their neck as he did. "Are you ready to see what I brought you baby girl? I am so excited for you to see." The person whimpered slightly, and the man seemed to take that in answer. He gently pulled the sack off their head and Felix felt like he couldn't breathe. Hyejin looked pale and weak, her cheeks were no longer the rosy round they always had been, now they had hollowed out a bit and the color had left them. Her eyes were swollen, and old makeup was caked under them. Her once shiny black hair was now dull and tangled. Her eyes grew wide with recognition as they met his. He couldn't stop the tears that feel from the relief he had seeing her alive.

The man leaned down, so his mouth was right next to her ear and wrapped his hand around her head, cupping her chin. "I brought you your betraying boyfriend. Are you happy with me, Hyejin?" He released her and started walking over to a bag he had by the well house door. He reached in and grabbed something out, placing it quickly behind his back as he stood up to hide it from view. "I am going to take the tape off. You must promise not to scream. Not like anyone will hear you in here, but the echo these walls make can hurt your ears. Do you understand?"

Hyejin quickly nodded her head in agreement and the man ripped the long thick grey duct tape from her lips. Hyejin held in her scream of pain by almost biting a hole in her bottom lip. After recovering, she looked back to Felix. "Thank god. I am so happy to see you."

The words and utter worry he heard sent a ping of guilt straight into Felix's chest, causing him to cry harder. The man laughed wickedly. "You seem so worried about him baby girl, but I am sure he didn't feel the same. It took this busy man two weeks to even know you were missing." Sadness filled Hyejin's eyes and Felix could see it. "Seems loose women were the only thing worth caring about." The man walked behind Felix and grabbed a handful of his auburn hair in his hands, roughly pulling his head back. "You left her alone!" Before he knew it, a cold metal was pushed to his temple closest to the man. By looking out of the corner of his eye, he could just barely see the thick black handle of a gun.

"Bang Chan! Stop! Please!" Hyejin screamed and pleaded.

"Why!" Bang Chan screamed back. "Didn't he hurt you?" He asked as he released Felix and went back over to Hyejin with gun in hand. "Didn't he treat you like you meant nothing? Why are you defending him?!"

"Why does it matter to you?!" Hyejin screamed back. "We hardly know each other; you hardly know me."

Bang Chan roughly grabbed a hold of Hyejin's face and leaned down towards her. "You're wrong baby girl. I know you outside and..." He placed a rough kiss on her lips, which Hyejin tried to break by pulling away, but Bang Chan just went for her neck as his next target. "thanks to that night at the hotel, I would venture to say I know you inside as well." He grinned and Hyejin could feel the sinister meaning behind it. Her eyes quickly went to Felix and to her horror she saw disappointment in his eyes.

"Just because I had drunken sex with you, doesn't mean you know me at all."

"Drunken sex and one steamy parking lot make out session you mean." Bang Chan rubbed his thump gently across Hyejin's bottom lip and smiled mischievously at Felix, who growled in anger back at him. He finally took his hands off Hyejin completely and took off his mask for the first time. "But that isn't our only interactions, of course."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Hyejin asked.

"Honestly baby girl, it hurts that you don't remember me, but that doesn't make our first meeting any less special to me." He ran his hand over her hair in the gentlest way. Almost lovingly, and Hyejin couldn't help but tense up at the contact.

"I have never seen you before in my life. I don't know what you are saying."

"About a year ago, you had a patient come in with cuts to his arms and head. Motorcycle wreck. The other doctors screamed there was no way to save this man because of his blood loss and head trauma, but you, you baby girl, refused to give up. You brought him back from the brink of death. You fought for his life. During intensive care, you were the only doctor that came to visit. You read him stories and hummed songs as you checked his vitals. He was knocked out, so he shouldn't have heard it, but he did." Bang Chan ran the back of his hand down Hyejin's cheek. "You were an angel."

"That was when I first became a real doctor at the hospital. You couldn't be...they told me he had passed away."

"Wrong again. They transferred me to a hospital in Germany for therapy. I woke up when you were gone, and they had me on a hospital helicopter within a day." Bang Chan kneeled beside her and laid the gun on the table. "I never forgot you. I swore when I got better, I would come find you. I had fallen in love with the angel who had saved my life. Thinking about you was the only thing that got me through my therapy. You continued to save me, but you are also the reason for my broken heart."

Hyejin looked closely at the man beside her and it finally hit her how many times she had laid eyes on him. "You were following me, weren't you?"

"I just wanted you to see me baby girl. I just wanted you to take a chance at loving me. Does that make me bad?"

 A/N: This is almost the end guys...don't hate me for the next chapter. Hope you liked the update. 

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