Requests!! (and news)

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So I have been thinking for a while what to do next but I have no idea so I need help from you guys. If there is any requests then please tell me!

Also thanks for reading guys.

Also I'm an idiot.

Cathy: what's new?

Shut up!

Zack: for a change I agree.

*Cries in corner* he'll never love me....

Eddie: your point?

*Still in corner crying* oh yeah. My point is I went to shop with my dad and the song "hey Makariena" came on and I started to dance to it.

I wasn't embarrassed I don't get embarrassed it was pretty funny. But kinda stupid as well.

Cathy: so what new?

*Head drops*

Zack: moving on from the idiot. Bye guys.

Cathy: don't forget to request!

*Cries in the corner more and head still down* Thanks alot guys!

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