Island of the Unexpected Love (Jonas Short Story) Pt. 1

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Chapter 1

I couldn't stand and started crying because of the excruciating pain. Joe was hurrying to find me and I could hear the leave being disturb as he found me. "Ah see I told you. You'll need some kind of light to walk around." He picks me up so suddenly and he brings me out to the beach. As we got there he puts me down on the water and examined my feet.

"Is it bad?" I bite my lip.

"We'll just take them out." He started to pick out the rocks in my feet and I tried to not scream at him. On by one he was able to toss the rocks into the ocean. My feet was covered in blood and so I let the coming waves wash them away.

"Where did you end up unconscious?" I asked. He ripped strips of his shirt to wrap around my feet.

"The east of this island." He concentrated on wrapping my feet. "What about you?"

"No idea. Every part looks the same to me." I said. He lets out an airy laugh. He wasn't actually bad looking. He was handsome. Like really, really handsome. To bad he has a girlfriend and he's a big jerk.

"Your welcome." He finished up the last bandage.

"Thanks again." I said. The light coming from the fire was very dim all the way over here. He looked at me and I glanced back at him. "Crazy to think that we'll actually live."

"Hey who knows a rescue team will suddenly show up in the morning." He offered his hand and he pulled me up onto his back.

"Alright I wasn't expecting that." I said tightly wrapping my arms around his neck.

• • •

Sadly the next morning no rescue team has found us. Joe was still asleep on the other side of the fire. I sat up pulling my knees to my chest. Scratching my eye to remove some sand I see Joe move around until a Swiss army knife poking out of the pants he was wearing. God he has some kind of weapon on him and I don't. I remembered the debris of shipwreck on some part of the island. The sail could be used for something I just need to cut it. Slowly I made my way next to him. He was sleeping peacefully. Careful not to disturb him I reach in his pocket and right before I was able to take it out he grabs my wrist. I gasped and he rolls on top of me. "What are you doing?" His expression looked alert. My wrist were gripped tightly and I had sand in my mouth.

"It's really unfair you have a knife thingy and I have nothing." I said. He rolls his eyes and let's me go.

"It's a Swiss army knife." He takes it out and pulls out the small built in screwdriver.

"What could need a screwdriver on an deserted island?" I rubbed my wrists.

"For you maybe a murder weapon." He says.

"I would have killed you by now." I rolled my eyes at him this time.

"I could say the same to you." He hands over the little weapon he has.

"What?" I looked at it.

"I guess you need it for something?" He throws a few twigs in the fire. It was not really need since the sun was about to rise.

"Well while I was losing my mind a few days ago I wandered into debris from the shipwreck. Like pieces of the sail. I wanted to cut it up. Use it as a tarp or blanket or something." I carefully examined each sharp object from Swiss army knife. There was miniature scissors.

"Good thinking." He peels off his shirt and I averted my eyes. Joe chuckles and I look back at him. He was wearing an undershirt. "Wow I'd thought you'd keep staring at me."

"I have a boyfriend." I said.

"Right." He raised an eyebrow at me. I shook my head and decided to head on to the debris site. My feet were blistered and the cuts were still not healed. I limped carefully and Joe suddenly appears beside me offering to help.

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"Don't touch me." I said.

"Jeez I'm only trying to help." He says pushing aside a low hanging branch. He follows my step and as we stood on the cool sand at the beach Joe looks around.

"From out of all people I'm stuck with you." I muttered and Joe scoffs.

"Please I know a lot of people who'd be happy to be stranded on a island with me." He says. I stop to look at him.

"Probably none." I trudged on the sand thankful that it cools down at night.

"Your really annoying. Has anyone told you that." He says.

"Yes." I felt the back of his hand brush against mine. "Please step a few feet away from me." I said.

"Okay." He lifted up his hands and moves to the side. We walked in silence after that and after twenty minutes or so we finally get to our debris spot. Joe pulls out his Swiss army knife again and I lifted up the shredded sail. Crabs scrambled all over the place. "Well there goes our dinner." He says.

"Should we just take this whole thing?" I examined it.

"Cut them into pieces. One for a tarp, blankets, and maybe a sack," He starts to cut them up. I looked around found planks of splintered wood.

"Makeshift weapons or firewood," I piled them up to the side. Joe glances at me a few times while I scavenge for things we need. I try to return them with icy stares. He smirks a few time and I roll my eyes. There was shards of glass and ropes.

"Joe we tie them to some sticks for knifes or something,"

"Honestly Vera the first thing we need to worry about is Mother Nature then we worry about our weapons or whatever," He rolls up our "tarp" and he ties it with the rope. I sat on a piece of the deck and watched Joe tie things together into two packs.

"You watch too many survival shows," I said.

"How'd you know?"He brushed the hair out of his eyes.

"Look at you right now," I said and he hands one pack over to me. Holding on the rope and he picks up other things. We walked around the island and I watched the horizon hoping for that rescue team. No one. Just the endless turquoise ocean. Joe turns back to the forest and I followed him. "Don't you want to stay near the shore?"

"It's much cooler in the forest," He turns his head over his shoulder.

"Alright," I walked behind him and I looked at my surroundings. A few bugs swarmed me and I shrieked when a few bit me. Joe just kept on walking holding every beach aside so I could pass.

"Careful there's a steep drop here," Joe says and I just followed his every step. More walking and more exhaustion. Then I hear it. At first I thought it was just the beach again. Joe pushed aside the leaves and I saw a stream slicing through the dirt.

"Is it freshwater?" I watched as Joe walked over and crouch down. He scooped it up in his hand and took gulps.

"Yes, thank you Lord finally," He says wading into the water and just laying there. I drank as much water as I could drink. I splashed my face and arms. We sat there for another few minutes. "We can always come back here if we need water. We'll just need something to store some water in."

We trek on deeper and deeper into the rainforest. I'm surprised we haven't reach the other side of the island yet. Joe scales a rocky cavern and takes a peek inside. "Vera take a look at this." He waves me over and I ducked my head to look. It was like someone had once inhabited this cave but it seems like who ever it was they're long gone.

"How are we sure there's no one else on this island?" I found a sand covered first aid kit. Joe dug around the piles of tarp.

"They would have found us already." He plucks out a a dirty thermos. "Bingo."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2014 ⏰

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