Mothers, Ducks and Close encounters

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A/N: I think this will be rather a long chapter as it needs to cover the morning, meeting Andy's mum, school and after school. Oh and it was my birthday on the 13th so that's why no updates and lots of essays to write since I've been back at school plus a new fanfic! ~JJ

***Ashley's POV***

A shot of pain went through my ribs as something or someone landed on me. My eyes flittered open sleepily and met Andy's wide awake ones. "You look like you need a coffee" exclaimed Andy. "Oh fuck off" I mumbled. Andy giggled like a 6 year old girl but with his deep voice it sounded sexy . I turned over so my back faced him. "Wake up Ashley" he whined and proceeded to shake me. I decided that he wasn't going to leave me alone until I woke up so I got up. I thought of something. "Um Andy" "Hmm" "Does your mum know I'm here?" "Mmhmm" "Is that a yes or a no?"

"A yes" a new voice added. I looked to the door and saw Andy's mum standing there. I knew it was his mum because he had the same sparkling blue eyes as her. (A/N I have no idea whether this is true or not) She smiled a warm smile at me and said that Andy had been awake early like normal and had told her about me. "Who wants toast?" She suddenly declared. "ME" shouted Andy from inside his wardrobe. "I knew you would want it Andrew" she said, earning a death stare from Him. She smiled a devilish smile at him to which he laughed. "I was asking Ashley actually" she said, looking at me. "Um no thank you Mrs Biersack" I replied, slightly stuttering. With a warm smile she replied "Please, call me Amy." "MUM WHERE'S MY MISFITS TOP" I heard shouted from behind me. "It's in the ironing, let me go get it for you" she said and started to walk downstairs. I spun around and asked Andy in a shocked voice "you like misfits?" "Nooooo I just have one of their t-shirts because I hate them" he said, his tone dripping with sarcasm. I gave him a look and he just laughed at me. I stuck my tongue out and he laughed again in his deep sexy voice. Seriously Ashley you've fallen hard this time. Not that there have been many times before, well except. No. We don't talk about him. He was my first, in more ways than one, and I said that he'd be the last but then Ben came along but we were just friends in the end which I was fine with. Deep down I knew that I had only become friends with Ben to hook up with him to try and get over Him but we had formed a best friendship and now we have Andy.

"Ashley are you in there" I heard being shouted at me. I snapped out of my thoughts to see Andy looking at me with a towel in his hand and a misfits t-shirt so I guessed his mum had been and gone. "I'm going for a quick shower and you can get ready in here" he said. I nodded and went to my suitcase to get clothes out. As I was rummaging I heard steps from behind me and turned round to see Andy in just a towel and water dripping off of him. We both blushed and my eyes traveled down to his chiseled chest "I...I...I forgot my j-j-jeans" he pointed at then with his head as he was holding up the towel with his hand and reaching out for the jeans with his other. I went over and collected the black skinnies and gave them to him. He nodded his thanks and turned around to go back to the bathroom, still bright red. I got changed and went back to my bag for my eyeliner but remembered I hadn't gotten anything from the bathroom in my rush to get out. I wondered whether Andy had eyeliner. I remembered back to when I first met him outside of my house and he was wearing eyeliner then so I just hope he hasn't run out. I shouted at Andy through the wall and he replied with a deep shout "check the drawer under the mirror." I went over to it and opened it to find the aforementioned eyeliner. I grabbed it and quickly shut up the drawer. Great, it was liquid eyeliner, I could only apply pencil. Andy came back in, this time fully clothed. However, I wasn't sure if this was a good thing. "I thought you were going to use the eyeliner?" he asked. "I was but I can't use liquid eyeliner, only pencil." He rolled his eyes in a sarcastic way and grinned, "Come here." I raised an eyebrow but walked over to him anyway. "Sit your ass down here" he said, pointing at the chair in front of the mirror. I did and he leaned over to do my make up for me. I felt like such an idiot. I mean seriously who can't do liquid eyeliner. "You aren't stupid for not being able to do liquid, you know." How did he know? Was he a flipping mindreader? I sighed even though I knew he was right. I looked at my phone, careful not to move my head, it was 7:55am. Andy saw the time too and asked "what time does school start?" I ummed and said "Half 8 but it only takes 15 minutes to walk to there." He nodded and inclined his head to the mirror, I looked up and saw his work of art on my face. His eyeliner skills were amazing, better than mine could ever be. I informed him of this and he grinned "what can I say? I'm just amazing!" and proceeded to do a strange dance around the room. I laughed and told him we better get a move on.

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When we eventually reached the bottom of the stairs (Andy had insisted that he straighten his hair but I dragged him off besides massive protest), his mum stopped us and shoved toast at us. "I know you said you didn't want any Ashley but you need to eat" I put on a smile and said my thanks and then she went to Andy to slightly lecture him about his first day. She waved us out of the door and as soon as we were out of our road, Andy said "I'll have the toast because its pretty obvious you don't want it" I nodded and gave it to him. "You need to eat you know." I looked and the ground and changed the subject, "when should we split up?" He looked at me funny and I said "well you have no chance if you hang out with me." This was true as I got bullied everyday at school and Andy wouldn't survive his first day if he stuck with me. "What do you mean?" he said. "It's your first day." I said bluntly, thinking this would explain. "Do newbies have to go to a special room all day or with a school guide or something?" he enquired. I face-palmed and said, looking down "no it's just you won't last a day if you hang out with me on your first day." "Why not?" He didn't seem to grasp the concept so I looked up and saw we were nearly at school. I spotted him. He hadn't seen me yet. I poked Andy and pointed to Drew and Shane. They were the ones that terrorised me everyday of my life. They were the reason I didn't want to go to school. I hated school but now Andy was here it might not be that bad, although I didn't want him to get mixed up in the bullying. "Who are they?" Andy whispered into my ear. I sighed and replied "No need to whisper, they are going to come over here anyway and they are Drew&Shane, the people who bully me so if you don't leave me now then you'll get it too." His look was one of sadness. I never understood why because although the events of the last 2 days, we still had only recently met. "Which one do I need to look out for mostly?" I laughed and said "Shane couldn't fight his way out of a brothel, he just stands there and laughs at you and occasionally if Drew is in the mood to string sentences together, will make weird noises." Andy smiled, "so it's Drew I have to look out for?" I nodded but out the corner of my eye i could see Mr White, our headteacher. I grabbed Andy's hand and dragged him to Mr White before he could protest or really comprehend what was happening. "Hi Mr White, here's the new kid, Andy" I quickly shoved Andy in his direction and ran off , knowing that Andy was probably trying to burn a hole into my back with his eyes as I could hear our headteacher starting to give him the lecture about the history of our school. I went and stood by my tree. It was my tree because nobody would go near it while I was here and I think they thought that I would stab them if they got there before I did. Everyone regarded me as the emo. I was fine with this as then everyone left me alone. Well they all left me alone anyway because I had the school equivalent to the plague.... 'gay'. Since everyone found out I was gay they all left me. All the friends I had made during middle school just abandoned me. I thought they would be for life but now i know they are not, well you think they will be for life regards of sexuality. It seemed like high school reveals everything about people. Like Shane and Drew used to be okay but now obviously not. I glanced down at my phone to check the time: 8:20am. I knew that they would be behind me. Sure enough when I stood up there was a big meaty hand on my shoulder. I rolled my eyes and said "What is this semester going to entail for me and my body?" Drew slapped me in the face, sending me to the floor. "Nothing different from last time then?" I surmised. Shane grunted and proceeded to laugh, like I told Andy he would, while Drew sent thundering kicks to my stomach. They seemed to hurt more than last years and I thought my body had at least built up some sort of resilience to it seeing as it happened everyday. I must of had an either puzzled look on my face or hurt or both as Drew said "I took kickboxing classes just for you fag." With an added extra from Shane, "yeah he did." Oh joyous now he's specialised in inflicting pain. Wasn't it bad enough before? Who taught that oaf how to fight?

I was pretty sure I had internal bleeding after 5 minutes more of their 'fun'. The bell rang out around us and they jogged off to class like the good boys they were, leaving me to slowly drag myself up onto my bench. I laid there on my back just staring up at the sky for a long time but must have fallen asleep as the next thing I knew I was being scrapped across the floor by the collar of my t-shirt. I blinked a few times and saw that my antagonist was Drew. Oh what a surprise that was. I shut my eyes again. There was a change in the surface under my knees from gravel to Lino, we must be in the school. My head banged across the doors of a few lockers until we abruptly stopped. I knew what was coming. Shane flung open one of the doors and stuffed me and my limbs in the locker. I didn't expect to be pressed up against another body. Thoughts raced through my head. What if it was a dead body? However, it spoke up and ended the silence with "Didn't expect to see you here, Ashley." Oh My God. It was Andy. "Same goes for you, Andy" I choked out, blood spluttering from my mouth. When I said earlier I thought I had internal bleeding I didn't actually mean it but now I was thinking I might. "What happened to you?" he said to me. I explained the events of this morning to him but mentioned the fact that it happened everyday so it wasn't a big deal. "You can't let this carry on!" I shook my head. He didn't understand. I started coughing again but this time a lot of blood came up. I grabbed my stomach as a sudden wave of pain came over me. "We are getting out of here now" Andy said. I laughed at him and enquired into how he was going to do that. "Watch me" was his reply. He kicked the door, only making a dent. He kicked again but this time with a lot more force, making the door fling off. I gasped and he laughed at me. Before I could say something, he picked me up bridal style, careful to not bump my head on the locker shelf. I wondered what he was doing when he said "I'm taking you to the hospital." I swear this boy could read my mind but anyway I had to stop him so I started protesting. "It's alright my mum works there, she's a nurse" I sighed and asked what do I write when I fill out the forms. "We'll get to that when we get there" was his reply. It only took us 5minutes to get to the hospital as it was close to school. With my crappy directions it took longer than it should have. It was ironic how close to the school it was as there were a lot of 'accidents' that resulted in students going to the hospital. I directed Andy to the doors of A&E and he shoved his shoulder into them to get them open. He proceeded to search for his mum and eventually found her after asking at the nurses station. "Ashley dear, what happened?" As I was still spluttering, Andy explained the situation and Amy tutted "what kind of place have I sent you to?" "The only place around" he replied with. She sent him a glare that was accompanied with a grin, "We have to worry about what to do about Ashley first" as I gripped my side, causing even more pain to my body. Amy lifted up my top but warned me that it would probably hurt. She felt around my stomach with her hand until she hit a spot that made me cry out in agony. I turned my head to see Andy leaving the room. I meant to ask Amy about it but forgot as she started to explain what she was doing to me. She wrapped a bandage around my stomach that was quite tight but I was able to speak without choking. I thanked Amy for what she had done but she waved it off by saying it was just her job. She gave me a concerned look and guided me out of the door where Andy was waiting, slumped against the wall. He looked up and clambered to his feet to help me and told his mum he would see her later. Andy guided me to the end of the road and was about to turn left to go to his house but I tugged him to the right. He raised an eyebrow but went with it.

We reached the park. Not the park from the other night but a park that was the setting of many of the best memories of my childhood. I used to go there with my family before Mum died and Dad became an alcoholic. We used to walk around looking at the pretty flowers but the ducks were always my favourite bit. I used to sit with my legs swinging over the ledge of the pond and laugh at the quacking yellow balls of fluff. I had to settle for the green bench today as I couldn't really move let alone swing my legs. I hadn't been down there in so long and I wasn't sure why I was sharing something so personal and important with Andy, I just felt like I could. He sat down next to me, making sure I was fine but I told him to stop faffing. We sat in a silence for a few minutes, it wasn't awkward, we were just taking in the surroundings and breathing. I broke the silence by asking Andy why he left my room at the hospital. He sighed and looked down, "I couldn't stand watching you in pain, Ashes" I smiled at him. He didn't understand how important him just being there was to me. He had done so much for me in just the past couple of days. We sat just chatting about things until I tried to get up but faltered as a jolt of pain spread across my ribs. Andy grabbed my left hand with his and put his right arm around my shoulders which helped me stay up and not fall flat. He helped me become stable again and I thanked him. He gripped my left hand with his right and helped me walk, giving me more strength than had been provided for me for a long time.

I had to stop a few times as I still wasn't very strong. I secretly enjoyed holding Andy's hand though, while walking. We reached his house before his mum or dad got back from work. "You do have a key, right" I asked him. "I, um, no" he said, looking at the floor. Just as he spoke those words the heavens opened and rain descended onto their heads, making their hair stick to their faces. Andy sat down on the step outside of the house and helped me down. We were both soaked. I was freezing and started shivering as the rain had saturated my clothes so Andy took of his hoodie and wrapped it around us, bringing us closer together on the step. I looked up into his crystal blue eyes and he met my honey brown ones and we both grinned. He was about 6 inches taller than me and so had to bend down to kiss me. When his lips joined with mine it was like fireworks. It wasn't a passionate kiss but still had a little passion behind it while still being tender. We parted and I laid my head on his shoulder while he stared down at me, smiling with which I hope was love as that's what I felt at that moment. Andy, my boy next door.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2014 ⏰

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