20 - Angel

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The air was silent, buzzing with anxious energy, Angel felt like he had lost his hearing, he looked down and saw one of his feet step in front of the other with speed as he ran, he looked ahead and saw hundreds from the enemy's legion get closer to him, he looked to his right and saw the determined and deadly glare of North but he couldn't hear anything, well...nothing other than the thumping of his heart, it beat so loudly it almost hurt his ears.

The enemy's first wave was a horde of lower-level powered, there were too many for Angel to distinguish exactly what lever but they felt weak. This was one of North's predictions, that they will send the cannon fodder out first. Angel remembered him calling them "easy pickings" but were they really? He felt a bead of sweat run down his face, followed by another, then another. He looked to his right again and noticed North's eyes flickering around the horde as his brows scrunched together, he was clearly trying to come up with a good battle plan.

"Oh god," Angel thought...they hadn't come up with a solid plan before rushing into the fight, there was no time...

"And now we will die. Because we were careless...stupid...so stupid, we have doomed us all. I can't I -"

"Shut up!"


"Two Celestials and two highly skilled A class fighters...against a bunch of roadkill, you'll plough through them like a hot knife through butter"

"But what do I do? I don't know what to do!"

Angel heard his power sigh almost audibly, strange.


"I don't think one wolf will do much against all those people!"

"I said...Alphas!!!"

"Wha-" Angel's brows furrowed in confusion then shot up as he understood.

"Do you think...do you think I can?"

"Kid...you have no idea what power hides within you. You're...something else. Celestial is too measly to describe the things you're capable of"

Angel though how this was the first time his power actually sounded...kind, not like its usual tones of anger, authoritativeness, power, he was...gentle.

Angel gave himself a nod and made up his mind.

"STOP!" he shouted from the top of his lungs and stopped running. His three companions came to a halt and stared at him with confusion and a hint of urgency.

"What, Angel what is it?" North pressed, his eyes glancing between Angel and the approaching horde.

"Stand back - I've got this!" Angel surprised himself with the level of confidence oozing from his voice.

North, Zap and Viper collected behind him, their eyes reflecting concern and nervousness.

Angel opened his arms wide, "ALPHA" he let out in a quick shout. A 6-foot tall crystal wolf appeared in front of him,

"Kill!" Angel instructed. With teeth bared Alpha took off towards the approaching enemy, his strong paws digging up the soft soil.

"Angel, I don't think...I don't think a wolf, even though impressive, will be enough against hundreds of them!" North insisted, grabbing Angel's shoulder. Angel glanced back shortly, North took a startled step back, he had never seen the Water Celestial carry such an expression before, his eyes were almost glowing, narrowed into deadly slits and his mouth...his lips were turned up in a grin.


"I'm not done, my love..."

Angel focused back on his wolf, his build, his speed and the area surrounding the animal, then he let out a growl, deep and terrifying. The group witnessed lights appear around Alpha, at first small, then in a blink, another 50 wolves had appeared around ALPHA, all of them exact copies of the original, the ground shook as the pack ran towards its prey.

"Oh fuck..." Zap whispered, he felt a shiver run down his spine.

"Angel..." North couldn't tear his eyes off of the impressive display of power.

Barely 20 feet separated the pack and the horde, everyone braced for impact. What the survivors of that night remember most vividly were the blood-curdling screams of the Southtown's first wave as Angel's wolves ripped them apart, limb by limb, tearing the skin from their bones and heads from their necks, no one was spared, no one was even given a chance to fight back. It was over faster than one would expect, the opposition had destroyed maybe 4 wolves out of the 50.

Angel felt a twist of guilt in his stomach as he watched his wolves tower over hundreds of the fallen, their crystal bodies now tainted with blood. He had killed before and knew this was necessary but...now he was responsible for extinguishing hundreds of flames. He took a breath and forced his face to harden, he did what had to be done.

"Incredible.." North muttered, his hand found and gripped Angel's, he wasn't used to seeing him as this...incredible warrior, but he was happy that the power was hiding in Angel, without him they'd be dead.

Angel felt a tug in his chest, his wolves were being crushed. A handful at a time they turned into sparkling dust. Behind the wolves destroyed forms, 9 powered appeared, in the middle, with a smirk on her lips, hands crossed on her chest and her hip cocked seductively to the side stood...

"Alisha" Angel and North spat the words at the same time. Their voices containing so much venom they could kill.

Alisha's mouth was moving as she was giving orders to her team but she was too far for Angel's team to hear. Suddenly they dispersed, the 9 spread out in a half moon shape as they ran towards Angel's group.

"Viper!" Before North even managed to get the words out a see-through dome with a blueish tint surrounded the team as Viper covered them with a protective shield.

"Angel take left, Zap take right I will focus on the centre, Viper can you do individual shields?" North spoke urgently.

Viper who had sat down and assumed a meditating pose nodded with his eyes closed, the dome split into four separate ones.

"Go!" North instructed.

The three turned to run over to meet their enemies. The dome inhibited hand to hand combat so everyone had to rely on ranged attacks. Angel approached the three he was taking on. Two females and a male. One of the women was bulky and tall, taller than Angel, the male was quite small, still a boy, with an evil smirk on his baby-like face. The last woman looked calm, her face, much like her eyes - expressionless. If anything, she looked bored to be there. Angel sensed all three were rather skilled A powered.

He launched his first attack conjuring up hundreds of icy spears around him and launching them at the enemy. Angel didn't expect the attack to kill them, only to reveal their powers. The small male disappeared, appearing again right next to Angel's dome - a teleporter, he had small knives in his hand that bounced against the dome as he threw them, Angel thanked Viper in his mind, the boy was not able to teleport himself or anything else inside Angel's shield.

The bulky woman raised her hand and blocked the spears, her skin seemed impenetrable. The last woman, the calm one just blinked and the spears shattered into dust.

What are you smirking for your about to be ground meat. Road kill is more Seductive then you. You trying to hard

2y ago

Wait what? Uhm.. no? How about we don’t kill all the best characters pls?<333 How about we let Zap have a happy ending pls

2y ago

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