Chapter Seven-Relations

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Midge slept snugly all night Like Goldilocks I the little bears bed. She dreamt of Tobias all night long...

She had not gotten over him till now.


Hearing the loud noise, She woke up from her sexual fantasies and decided to explore the sound. Having nyctophobia, she grabbed a torch and headed downstairs shivering and nervous.

Her footsteps were pounding against the wooden floor of the hallways.

She stopped dead in her tracks.

There lay Dana, Still and burnt like a dead fish. Her skin was black,covered with blood on the left with wounds emerging from underneath.

There was a fire on the stove.

Then she remembered.

Dana had gotten a promotion last night. Her whole staff was going to be over and she was preparing the family secret recipe.It had a precise technique which was hard to master,but Dana was a perfectionist in the recipe.

She held back the tears that formed in her eyes,trying to remain courageous.For once,Midge tried not to feel great about Dana dying.She felt embarrassed.Her close family was no more.

Because she just saw her biological mum die in front of her.

Ok,I know,I know,this chapter is really fucking short.And I'm sorry for not updating in like forever!I had exams and had forgotten to tell u guys....SORRY! 😅

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