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10 Years Ago ~

Taehyung P.O.V

I already talked to my parents . They said it's okay , and I should pursue my dream. I still feel a stinging pain in my heart , how am I gonna leave Sirae?

I was packing my bags when my little sister knocked on my door. Well I know she's not my sister, but she doesn't.

"Why are you packing, are we going on a vacation?" Sirae asked. My heart sunk , how am I gonna tell her. "Come here , sit next to me for a bit. I need to tell you something." And with that she lazily came and slopped down on my bed. "What is it Tae ?" My heart skipped a beat when she said my nickname. She never called me oppa , she always thought it's weird to call me oppa , as girlfriend also call their boyfriends oppa. She never called me oppa and I longed for her to call me that.

"Listen Sirae , I am going away , for a long time. I don't know when I'll be returning, but I just need you to wait for me. You'll always be my sweetheart Sirae, and I'm going to miss you alot ." I said , on the verge of crying. "Tae Tae , why are you leaving me? Please don't leave me , I'll miss you ." She said and hugged me tightly. "I'm so sorry Sirae , I'll come back. But for now goodbye. My flight is tomorrow." I said. "Well then Tae Tae , please let me sleep here with you tonight." She whined , almost breaking down. "Alright" I said , and closed my bags.

We slept cuddling each other. It was the sweetest night of my life.

The next morning came , and it was time for my flight. My parents were already waiting in the car for me . They didn't allow Sirae to come to the airport to drop us.

Inside the house, I hugged Sirae for the last time , as she cried in my embrace. "I'll miss you Tae oppa." I was shocked upon hearing that word . I slowly pulled Sirae back , and pecked her lips. It was both of our first kiss, and was rather very special. "I'll miss you very much too Sirae. Don't tell mom and dad about this . Goodbye Sirae-ah and please wait for me sweetheart". And with that , I left her crying.

Sirae P.O.V

I cried alot when he left. He closed the door and my 10 year old heart sunk. I never called him oppa , but I felt like today. He also kissed me. It was special. But why would a brother kiss her little sister ?

I am gonna miss you alot my Tae Tae , I hope you come back. I love you my Tae Tae.


A/N :
Soooo that was it for today .
I hope you enjoyed it. Well Taehyung left Sirae, and they both love each other so dearly. Hope they don't forget each other.
Keep tuned ~~

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