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Aimee's POV
We were just at the airport walking around. We already went to weigh and put the suitcases on the plane and we already went through security which wasn't bad. So now I was just pushing the stroller and we were walking around looking for a place to eat. It was around 7:30 and we board the plane at 9.

Shawn also surprised us with first class! The chairs recline into a bed and they even give us pillows and blankets. When we go to sleep I'd probably leave Adalynn in the car seat or just let her sleep on my chest.

"Oh can you let my mom know that we'll land at around 6 am tomorrow!" I asked, looking at Shawn and he nods grabbing his phone. We have a long flight and I'm so nervous about how Adalynn is going to act.

"What about here!" I say, pointing at a pizza place. "Thank god! I'm in the mood for pizza!" Aunt Tori laughed walking into the small little restaurant. We tell Shawn what we want and we leave him to find a spot to sit down. "How are you feeling? You know. With everything that went down with the daycare?" Aunt Tori asked, starting a conversation. "I'm still pissed. I fucking hate them for doing that to my daughter!" I say and she nods. "That's understandable" she says.

"You should see the rash she has on her bottom! It's really bad! I'll show you when I change her next time" I say and she nods. "Are you and Shawn going to do anything about it?" She asked and I chuckled.

"Fuck yes! We could shut that place down in a heartbeat" I say and she smiled. "If you go to the cops you might need proof because they'd probably ask for something" she says and I laughed as Shawn came over and sat down.

"You think I don't have proof? Trust me, I do. I took a video before they even knew I was there" I laughed and Shawn looked at me. "What are we talking about" he asked. "Nothing just about reporting the daycare for what happened" I answered and he chuckled. "You'd be crazy if you thought we wouldn't report them" he says and how good and drink finally arrived.

"Did you tell her about the rash on Adalynn?" He asked and I nod grabbing a slice of pizza. "It's so bad" he added. By the time we were finished eating it was 8:20.

"So I think they start boarding us on the plane at 8:45 so I could change Adalynn while you guys go to the gate and then you could feed her so we don't have to do that right when we get on the plane!" Shawn suggested, getting up and started to push the stroller.

"Sure" I agreed and we went our separate ways. Me and Aunt Tori went to find out gate and Shawn went to the bathroom to change Adalynn. "Here we are!" I say, pointing to our gate and we find a spot to sit down. After about 10 minutes of just talking we finally see Shawn walking towards us.

"It's about time" I laughed as he approaches us. "Sorry. I ran into a few fans and they wanted to take pictures with me and the baby!" He answered, handing me Adalynn. "Can you get me a bottle out of the diaper bag please" I asked and Shawn nods. "Can I feed her?" Aunt tori asked.

"Because I bet you when we get to Hawaii everyone's going to be all over her and your mom won't let me hold her or anything" she added and I rolled my eyes. "It's not her decision. It's my daughter and I'll make the decision and I'll make sure she knows that!" I say, handing her Adalynn and she smiled nodding. Shawn hands her the bottle and she starts eating.

"Is the rash getting any better?" I asked, looking at Shawn who sat next to me. "No. It's still very bad!" He says and I sighed looking at Adalynn who was happily eating. "Your mom texted me back. She said she couldn't get a big van for all of us so she said she rented us our own car so when we land we just have to tell them our name. She already paid for it. She said to just meet them at the hotel. She'll send me the address and I'll put it in the GPS" he says and I nod laying my head on his shoulder.

"So have you guys picked out a wedding date or where you're having it?" Aunt Tori asked and I lifted my head up. "We aren't 100 percent sure yet but we were thinking about having it after Easter. We were also thinking about having it in the summer time. And we want to do it at our hometown in Cali but we aren't sure yet. It'll probably more likely be in California unless we find somewhere better" I answered and Shawn smiled looking at me.

"What?" I giggled. "I can't wait to marry you. I wish we could just do it right now!" He says and Aunt Tori was in awe. "So when we get on the plane we should just try falling asleep right away so we aren't tired when we land!" Shawn suggested and we all agreed.

"You should probably start folding the stroller up so we could shove it in the carrier thing when we get on the plane!" I say and Shawn agreed with me. He takes the car seat off of the stroller and folded it up. "She's done with the bottle!" Aunt Tori says, handing me the bottle and she starts burping Adalynn. I throw the empty bottle in the diaper bag and there was an announcement over the speaker saying we could start boarding the plane. We board the plane got ready for the fun vacation ahead of us.
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