04 - family affair

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"Any damage from the storm on your house Cash?" Ward asks my father as he puts another bite of his toast in his mouth. "Only a few scratches here and there, Jen hired some people to come over and start our generators yesterday. The air conditioning is still off though, but we'll have to get that fixed soon." My dad shakes his head as he looks at my mother who smiles timidly.

After the fight broke out yesterday Topper brought Sarah and I home, too angry to say a single word to either of us. I snuck in through the window, as per usual. In the morning I was then woken up to Sarah in my house, shaking me up from my slumber to remind me it was Sunday. More known as the weekly Covey and Cameron family lunch always at noon sharp and always lasts until three in the afternoon.

"What is John B doing here?" Sarah leans over to me, whispering in my ear. I lift my head from my gaze at my uneaten eggs and look to see John B climbing out of the HMS Pogue into the Cameron's boat. "Not sure but I think we should go investigate." I send her a mischievous look that she immediately reciprocates, nodding.

"Hey dad can I go show Li the new decor we got in the boat? I promise it'll be fast," she pleads, using her best persuasive eyes and finally Ward agrees. Sarah pretends to squeal as she pulls me up from my seat and practically drags me down the dock.

"Oh hey!" Sarah says casually as John B. climbs up from the stairs on the deck of the boat, carrying for air tanks in his hand. "Are you stalking us? Plotting your revenge?" She teases leaning over the edge and John B leans against the railing.

"You know what. Yeah. Why don't you just tell your daddy I blew the bilge on Druthers?" He rolls his eyes, glancing at us before heaving the tanks over to the side. "Everything's good to go. Just topping off these tanks." He mutters the last part which makes me feel suspicious about his motives.

As he climbs down the second set of stairs Sarah looks at me before jumping into the boat as I do the same. "Hey are you okay? 'Cause that eye of yours looks pretty gnarly," She asks as John B starts sticking the supplies in his boat.

"Yeah you know what?!" He states standoffish as he climbs into his boat himself and then leans over the edge, getting face to face with Sarah. "You can tell Topper he won the first round. I'll get him next time."

I flip my hair to the other side before leaning in front of her, making direct eye contact with John B. "So there's just going to be a reign of terror on this island now?" He turns away from me and moves some of the tanks to the back of his boat. "You know wars have started for less Delilah Covey."

"Okay can we drop the whole pogues verses kooks thing? It is really stupid." Sarah raises her eyebrows, leaning down next to me and John B. sighs. "Oh. You know it's easy to say when you're a kook."

He gets eye level with her before knocking on the ship twice, then pushing away and continues to start his boat engine. Next to me, Sarah puts her hand to her forehead before saluting to him, her middle finger to the sky.

"C'mon let's go." She mutters before grabbing my arm and leading me into the dock. "What do you think he's doing with those tanks?" I ponder and Sarah shrugs as we walk back to our families.

"Nothing good. Those tanks are almost empty from when we went diving anyways so they can't do much. Maybe he is actually filling up the tanks?" Sarah says, hope coating her voice as I scoff, "Yeah right! Well we'll know tomorrow."

The rest of lunch went by rather fast and my parents an I went home. I was on a mission to figure out what the hell John B and his friends were up to, whether Sarah likes it or not. My father still wasn't speaking to me, shocker right?, but that made it much easier to leave my house without a second thought.

"Mom I'm leaving!" I shout as I exit the front door, keys in my hand. "Okay be back before dinner, your dad won't be home until 8!" She yells back as I mount onto my moped. "I will I promise!"

The way to the cut wasn't as bad as I remembered it being yesterday, probably because I was not on my bicycle this time and there weren't any trees in the middle of the road. Once I arrive at the chateau I can tell they hadn't noticed my arrival yet as they were bickering back and forth.

"So what are you guys up to," I try to say as casually as I can when I walk up to John B's porch. The arguing immediately stops as they all freeze to look at me. "What the actual fuck are you doing here?" Kiara says first, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I saw John b take those tanks off the Cameron's boat this morning and I sure as hell know he did not take them to fill them up. So I'd like to know what the hell you guys are up to?" I finish and they all are silent.

"What makes you think we are going to tell you, I mean after all you are a kook." Pope looks at me, his eyes shooting daggers. "Yeah but I'm also a kook who knows how to scuba dive, has her license to actually dive legally, who can hold her breath longer than all of you and is a pretty good swimmer. Now
Cough it up. What are you guys up to?"

JJ glances at all of them before looking back at me and I raise my eyebrows, "We stumbled upon a Grady white yesterday and found a motel key to a room with a bunch of money in a safe. Turns out that motel key belonged to Scooter Grubs as did the boat but if you knew the guy, you would know that he wasn't rich enough to own a Grady white. So we were going to go back and see if we could round up anything that would help us know why."

Okay that is not what I thought he was going to say at all. "You guys do know that Scooter Grubs is dead right? And that the police will be looking for that boat?" They all nod and I sigh. "Okay I'm in, now let's go." I point to the boat at the end of dock and I start walking there but someone stops me.

"Who said that you could go with us?" I turn around to see Kiera holding onto arm but John b comes up next to her and brushes it off. "I did, just now. She's the best bet that we have." I can tell that Ki isn't happy about it but she doesn't say a word as we all clamber into the HMS pogue.

I hope you enjoy this chapter
and stay tuned for that action
I was talking about.
The next chapter is going
to be good, I can feel it

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