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*the next morning*

"Are you sure you should leave the house today? I mean, last night--"

"I'm fine, Dad. Really, I am. The doc said I was lucky. I didn't break anything, and my memory is completely fine. It's just a few cuts and bruises. Don't worry, I won't do any running or anything too crazy," I assure him.

"Okay, just.. please be careful. You scared me," He sighs.

"I know, I will be."

"I love you."

"I love you too." He kisses the top of my head, and I make my way outside, ignoring the pain in my thigh and head.

I carefully limp down the stairs to see everyone waiting for me. "Jesus, your dad told us what happened, but I didn't know it was this bad," Eddie sighs.

"Yeah, it wasn't a fun experience," I sigh.

"Are you sure you wanna come with us? Beverly knows what happened. She would understand if you didn't come," Bill says.

"Bill, Eddie, everyone, I'm okay. It was just a fall and nothing's broken, and my memory is completely in tact. I'll be okay. Now, can we please just go," I say.

"Suit yourself. Get on," Eddie nods. I walk over to his bike and climb on. I wrap my arms around his waist, before we cycle off.

*at Beverly's*

"No, we gotta go through the alleyway," Stan says.

"The alley takes way too long," Eddie argues.

"No, the alley is so much faster," Stan argues back.

"The alley is more dangerous and it's disgusting," Eddie points out.

"How is it more dangerous?"

"It smells like piss, and its gross. Just take the side streets for once."

"Oh, my god," Stan rolls his eyes. "The side streets are the same. They smell like piss and shit."

"Okay, okay. Can you just tell me what she said exactly?"

"She didn't say anything. She just said that you guys need to hurry over" Stan sighs.

"She didn't say anything. Okay, okay."

Eddie slows down, and I carefully step off his bike. "You made it. I... I need to show you something."

"What is it," Ben asks.

"More than we saw at the quarry," Richie questions.

"Shut up! Just shut up, Richie," I snap.

"My dad will kill me if he finds out I had boys in the apartment."

"Then, we'll leave a lookout," I say.

"Richie, s-stay here," Bill adds.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! What if her dad comes back," He exclaims, as we walk towards the stairs.

"Do what you always do. Start talking," Stan replies. I look up at the stairs, gulping.

"Are you sure you don't wanna stay back," Eddie sighs.

"Eddie... I'm fine," I say.

"Fine, whatever you say, but I'm walking behind you, so if you lose your balance, you won't fall," He says making me smile.


We head up the stairs and inside her apartment. We peak around a corner, before she speaks. "In there."

"What is it," Stan asks.

"You'll see," Beverly replies, before we walk towards the door.

"Are you taking us to your bathroom," Eddie questions. "I just want you to know that 89% of the worst accidents in homes are caused in bathrooms. And-And-And- And, I mean, that's where all the bacteria and fungi are, and it's not really a sanitary place..." Bill slowly pushes the door, and my eyes widen, when I see blood covering the entire bathroom. "I knew it," Eddie gags.

"You see it," She asks.

"Yes," Eddie nods.

"What... What happened in here," Stan questions.

"My dad couldn't see it. I thought I might be crazy," She explains.

"Well, if you're crazy, then we're all crazy," Ben assures her.

"We can't leave it like this."

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