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Hermione's POV

It's been a year since Hermione was sent to the muggle world. At first she was devastated, her whole world felt like it was collapsing. However after a while she's gotten used to it.  The moment she got to the muggle world she started building an interior design buisness. After a while hermione decided that she wanted to pursue a more science driven career and that's how she got tho where she was; at UAL for architecture, continuing with interior design on the side, and sharing an apartment with her newest friends Tara and Suzy. They were also students at UAL Tara for the fine arts and Suzy for fashion design.

At this moment hermione was sitting at her desk drawing up some scetches for a client of hers.


"Yes love," she responded from the other room in her thick British accent
"This client of mine has a lot of parties, on a dark grey couch what colors would be a safe bet?" she paused, "You know to avoid washing out people's clothes."

"Is colour necessary?"


"Ok, maybe go for a white base and patterns in a dark blue"

"Thanks Suze,"

"No problem beautiful. Did Tara say she was going anywhere, she's supposed to be back by now."

"She has a date and will be back before 10:30 or we're are supposed call and check up."

"Coolio, speaking of dat-"

"No," Hermione interrupted her, "I already told you I'm not seeing anyone."


"And I'm not planning to either, end of conversation."


Half an hour later Hermione and Suzy are getting ready for bed when Suzy's phone rings. "Hello," "oh really," "okay call me in the morning then," "have fun darling."

"Who was that?"

"That was Tara. And she is not going to be home tonight."


"Hermione, sweetheart, beautiful, whatever do you mean it's been like 6 months since last time."

"I just...I mean...she just met the guy right."

"I think you're just jealous."

"Ok nevermind, I was wrong Tara can do what she wants," Hermione held her hands up in surrender. "Just don't do this again."

"Do what?" Suzy feigned innocence.
"Your whole moving on from your past speech, there's nothing to move on from." Tara raised her eyebrows and Hermione added that, "she just didn't want a boyfriend right now," and, "was focusing on work."

"Ok, but just so you know I'm only waiting till Tara gets back tomorrow so we can tag team. Also we were talking and she says that there's this really handsome single guy in her painting class and she thinks the two of you would get along."

"No, and how do you know he's single, did she ask?"

"Yes she did, and she mentioned her beautiful successful friend and said she might be able to get a blind date set up?"

"Only as a maybe, no promises. Please just say you'll think about it, he sounds so sweet."

Hermione paused, "Oksy fine, I'll think about it."

"Yay, ok! I can't wait to tell Tara!"
"No promises"

"Right yes, no promises," in Hermione's perspective she sounded far too suggestive.

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