The 'Party' in NY

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The team that would become wide known as the Avengers marched onto the machine the midgardians called a 'Quinjet'. They sat as they all went over the plan. Kari's armor already was dented from her encounter with the infamous 'Hulk.' No doubt bruises were already starting to form underneath.

Kari's golden eyes focused on the figures of the two princes as they fought on the roof of Stark tower. She sighed before turning to the problem at hand: the chitauri. Timing it perfectly, she ran down the open end of the quinjet, landing on top of one of the chitauri chariot. A blast of fire eliminated the threat. Kari swerved through the havoc, taking out as many of the aliens out as possible. She moved at astonishingly fast speeds towards the source: the portal. Cut them off from the source.

Every Chitauri that was dumb enough to cross Kari's path was reduced to a skeleton and ash. Their Chariots Kari grabbed and threw with full force towards the portal before being left in a similar state. Ash.

This pattern continued for quite a while until Kari was knocked off her chariot near the entrance of the portal. She did the only thing that popped into her head as she free fell to her doom. Kari screamed. Abruptly, her falling stopped. Opening her eyes, Kari realized that her back was licked by flames that formed wings.

"Ok, let me try this again," Kari muttered to herself as flames formed around her fists, leaving a trail of flames behind her. The wings vanished as she twirled through the sky. Kari flew high above her friends.

Her golden eyes flickered to the small form of the man of Iron and he chitauri leviathan. Kari quickly headed towards the others, still setting the chitauri that challenged her ablaze.

If you think she landed gracefully, you are mistaken. Kari practically crash landed in the circle her friends had formed. She made a mental note to slow down her momentum more on her decent.

"I'm bringing the party to you!" Right on cue, Iron Man swerved into their line on sight, followed by a destructive creature.

"I...I don't see how that's a party," Black Widow blandly stated.

"Doctor, now might be a good time to get angry," the captain advised.

"That's my secret, Captain. I'm always angry."

And with that , the Hulk stood in Doctor Banner's place. Both of his green fists beat the Chitauri Leviathan into the ground and the Avengers formed a circle as they readied themselves. The Hulk let out a roar as Iron man started to hover closer to the ground. Hawkeye notched an arrow. Thor twirled his hammer in one hand as Black Widow reloaded her gun. The Caption seemed to brace himself. And in the middle, Kari's hands were consumed by flames that traveled up her arms.

"Guys?" Black Widow asked in a waring tone.

Iron man spoke next. "Call it, Cap!"

"Alright, listen up. Until we can close that portal up there, we're gonna use containment. Barton, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays. Stark, Kari, you got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or your turn it to ash."

Kari smirked at the Captain's last statement. "My specialty." Iron Man and Kari headed off in seperate directions, both flying now.

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