School used to be fun

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If anyone ever asked me what I wanted to do after my gymnastics career, I never had a definite answer. But I did know something I didn’t, or rather couldn’t do ever- be a hand model.

Today morning I had to focus on my release on the uneven bars, which caused dime sized rips on my palms- and no, I wasn’t exaggerating the size. To say it hurt with all the chalk was understating things. To couple that, I had landed face first right on the freaking mat innumerable times today, so bruises were not something I could have avoided.

“Good job girls, just get in more energy in the noon.” Dimitri left me and Roo on the Mats, lying down out of exhaustion. She had floor today, and mastering tumbling passes wasn’t as easy as it appeared to be.

“Remind me again why am I in gymnastics?” I mumbled and Roo let out a humor less chuckle. We both knew the answer well- our passion for the sport was far greater than blisters, bruises and fractures. But then, girls could complain and whine, right?

“I’ll leave now, don’t wanna get late for the test.”

“Oh crap, I so forgot about it!” I hit my head with my ripped hand, pain surging through my palm.

“Good luck.” Lauren gave me a tired thumb up and left the gym, and I followed her outside soon. Getting into my bathroom, I gently cleaned and covered the rips before anything else touched it in the shower or otherwise.

By the time I was in jeans, top and sneakers it was just ten minutes till our time at school. Though most of us spent far less time in school compared to the others, the authorities expected us to reach there on time.

“Mike, save me and get me to school on time please.” I begged, getting into the SUV. Under normal circumstances I would have argued about the choice of automobile, but this wasn’t the time. I had a place to get to.

“Buckle up.” He gleamed at me and ignited the engine.

Miraculously, I was two minutes early than the dead line. Sighing in relief, I got down at the front gate and slammed the heavy silver door close. A frown appeared on my face when I saw a police van stationed outside our premises. They had optimum security for us, after the attacks. That was like providing a soldier with guns after he was shot dead.

“And she’s on time!” Niall clapped and I bowed down. Everyone was in the home class, sitting on tables and chairs, chatting their time away. Lola snorted and turned her attention back to her group of devotees and I rushed to my circle of friends.

“Studied for the test?” asked Sara and I rolled my eyes at her,

“Stop asking me about that test.”

Tests…we have two tests.” Veer was amused at me horrified expression and I hung my head back in the air.

“I am so dead.” I grumbled at myself. Seriously, why in the world did tests even exist in this world? And why did I ever not remember about them in my life?

“Everyone pull up a desk and chair, settle down.” Our biology teacher entered the room. I honestly liked her, she was the perfect combination of funny, strict and yet friendly with her students. But when she meant discipline, you better not cross your lines with her.

Pulling up a chair at the back of the room, I scowled to see Jaz sitting right next to me. She had refused to talk to me, and I had given up trying too. I had no idea why she was acting like I didn’t even exist, but it was her problem, not mine. The teacher distributed the ten page long test around the class, and I got ready for it. I seriously hoped that I remembered atleast some things from what we did in class.

Crushed and Created- Tangled series (Overprotective famous brothers)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang