Save Yourself part 10 section 1

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John has shot Sollux... he walks up to Karkat, cutting the ropes off of him. Then me, Dave and lastly Summer. Dave hugs Summer tight. John smiles and opens his mouth but surprisingly Karkat upper cutted him. Knocking him back a bit. John towered over Karkat, but didn't want to hurt him. Karkat kept hitting John, backing him up further and further. Soon Dave joins in and punches his jaw over and over.

"Stop." I tell the two. They nod and back up to us. We all have one loving group hug. John stands up shaking.

"I definitely deserved that.." he points at Summer "But do you think I'd want to hurt my little flower? I never did. I promised myself the day her snd I broke up. I would never ever hurt ever if I saw her. Sollux said he'd kill me if I didn't do what I would did. I'm sorry.." all of our eyes are aimed at him. Summer begins to laugh while walking up to him. He looks confused and scared. She hugs him, making her husband and I confused. She pulls out of the hug, delivering one last hard blow to his jaw. John now lays on the hard gravelly alleyway. She kicks him hard and walks back to Dave. I smile at her, wrapping my arm around her shoulder and kissing her head. Then the same to Karkat, but on the lips. Sometimes, love is worth killing for. But this time. I'm not so sure.


I want to fucking kill John, but he saved our lives. He deserves death. Agony and pain. He needs to suffer the way we all did. But at least Sollux is gone... For good and we all know that. I have my arm wrapped around Summer's waist. She's drying her tears and smiling. I feel her eyes on me now.

"I'm sorry..." she says it loudly to all of us. "Karkat and Gam, I'm sorry for making your lives miserable. I brought this upon us... Dave, I'm so sorry. I tried taking my own life after all this... I love you guys, you're my world and family.." she tears up but I hug her tightly, telling her it's okay.

"Look you asshat. Stop crying. It's fine, I forgive you. You've saved my ass and Gamzee's too many times. We love your dumbass too." Karkat is flustered and walks up to Summer, pulling her into a deathly hug. Gamzee just laughs and picks her up in the hug. I smile and look at John.

"Look guys. I'm sorry.. I really deserve to be in jail and dead if anything.." John's voice began to shake as I watched his entire life crumble before him. I walk up to him, picking him up by the shoulder.

"I will turn a cheek John. And I think you deserve pain, but I've known you for my entire life you idiot." I take off my shades and hug him "I forgive you. But if you ever bring harm or sadness into our lives, I will personally kill you myself you fuck." I let him go and walk back to my friends.

///////I published this and I'm currently in the doctors office. I got into a car crash this morning. Sorry guys.

Save Yourself (Gamzee x Karkat [human])Where stories live. Discover now