Xena was a tall,dark and beautiful young woman who was spoilt and loved to always have her way,she and Bashir dated for about 2years but they broke up because of her demanding and controlling attitude. Niw xena was determined to get Bashir back not minding the fact that she was already married. Bashir:wow it's nice to see you again
Xena: indeed it is, you look more handsome darling how have you been I'm sure you missed me, baby don't worry I'm all yours
Bashir: you haven't changed a bit sorry to burst your bubble I'm happily married and my marriage to Latifah is the best thing that has ever happened to me to keep your body to yourself.
Xena: Bashir you know me too well I always get what I want even if I have to kill to your so-called wife Latifah I will, have a nice day . I want to buy shares in on you all about Latifah and had been following her around, she had already made plans to kidnap her or use a maiden to get to her. Bashir got home but didn't say a word about it to Latifa she didn't find it necessary or of importance Latifa was at the fourth month of pregnancy but her tummy wasn't still pronounced Xena got maiden esha to work for her she paid her the sum of 1 million so she gave her a mixture of misoprostol and mifepristone which were usually used to terminate pregnancies, she asked her to put them in latifa's Food so she could lose her pregnancy esha agreed and collected the mixture. when she got home she prepared latifah's favourite dish and added the mixture then proceeded to latifah's room to serve her she met Latifah at the doorway who instructed her to take it downstairs she didn't feel like eating in the room just then bashir steps in and latifa rushed to greet him and see what he had bought for her this time as he had always bought snacks for her on his way home he had gotten her cookies. So Latifah then asked esha to dish the food she'll have the cookies later as latifa sat to eat Bashir stopped her he then asked esha why she was still standing there and watching Latifah
Bashir: esha is this how wicked you can be after all I have done for you, you will try to hurt my wife is this how you were planning to pay me back after all the good I have done for you
Esha: so I don't understand
Bashir: who did you meet at aroma restaurant last night was it not be. Esha was speechless she didn't know what to say bashir then called the police and they took esha away but they didn't know the whereabouts of xena. Bashir school wasn't relaxed for he knew xena was still out there planning something else.
Latifa: husby who is Xena and why is she after our unborn children
Bashir: baby she's no one to worry about
Latifa: how can you say that I almost lost my pregnancy what if you didn't come back what would have happened!
Bashir: baby Xena is my ex-girlfriend I wanted to marry her but it didn't work out and I met her at the supermarket some time ago in which she threatened to hurt you I thought she was just joking but now I know better I'm sorry I didn't tell you about it then
Latifa : husby I'm scared
Bashir: don't be, I'll protect you trust me baby you"ll be fine.
One Monday morning Latifah went for her usual checkups and antenatal and the hospital but on her way back she .........

life after marriage
Romanceit's about an orphan who was forced into the best marriage