Chapter 1

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Your alarm clock beeps loudly, signalling that it is 7:00 and time to get up.
You surely missed sleeping in during the holidays, however today was first day of school, and honestly you couldn't wait.
You always were a bright student, an ace in all of your classes;
teachers praised you as you always studied hard and passed your tests.

However there was one thing about this school year that worried you(-the last year of school to be exact).
Your science teacher left school due to his old age and inability to teach anymore, and the thing was, you didn't know who your new teacher was going to be.

As you laid in your bed trying to wake up and collect your thoughts, you realised a good 10 minutes have passed and you wanted to hurry so that you're not late for todays classes.

As you got up you put your phone on charge and went to the bathroom to quickly take a shower and freshen up, brush your (h/c), (h/l) hair, and after about 15 minutes you were done, putting on your (f/c) uniform and heading downstairs.

As you walked into your kitchen, there was a small note from your mother laying atop the kitchen counter saying:

'your lunch is in the fridge, don't be late to school, hope you have a good day, I'm off to work
-mom <3'

The corners of your mouth went up slightly as you looked at your moms scruffy handwriting-as if she didn't have much time to write the note before setting off to work.
Your mom was a hard working person, you barely saw her these days which distanced you a bit from her, however you knew that she loved you very much, and you returned the feeling. You just wished you could spend more time with her.

"I love you too mom..."

You whispered to the empty house, walking towards the fridge and taking the lunch out, putting it carefully into your bag and taking a mental note to make dinner when you get home so that your mom doesn't have to cook when she comes back tired from work.

You checked your bag one more time and decided it was time to go to school as you had everything and school started in 30 minutes;
it took you about 20 minutes to walk to school but you liked being there early, just to be ready for the lessons to start and have a bit of piece and quiet before the classroom was flooded with loud students.


You walked through the empty streets, admiring first rays of sunshine that were cast upon your skin, looking at the beautiful sunrise up ahead of you.

You rarely smiled, mainly because not a lot of happy things happened in your life, your smiles were rare and short-lasting;
but you smiled at the sun as it was the first thing that said 'good morning' to you today, quite pleased with how the beginning of your day went.

By now you were close to your school gate, looking at your watch and seeing that you were correct-you arrived with 10 minutes to spare.

You walked into the school building, into your empty homeroom class, seeing as nobody was in there you sat down at your usual seat-the back of the class by the window, and you looked outside at the quiet town with the sun already high above it.

After about 10 minutes of your peaceful quiet the bell rang, and, as you were expecting, a wave of students has made its way into the classroom, the chatty girls along with some popular boys that you never paid any attention to.

You sat alone-you didn't have any friends. You were always so busy with learning and revising and doing chores at home as your mother did not arrive until the late hours of 9 and later.
Sure some people tried to talk to you-sometimes during class you'd help a person out, or would be assigned for a partner/group project, and you knew who people were, but you never went out with anybody or talked to them often, which in your mind did not classify them as 'friends'.

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Your teacher walked in after about 2 minutes, greeted all of you as per usual and asked for silence.
He gave out your timetables and wished you a pleasant day, after what another bell went off, signalling all students to go to their 1st period.

You looked at your timetable:

'PERIOD 1:History Mr.Avdol
PERIOD 2:P.E. Mr.Polnareff
PERIOD 3:Computer Science Mr.Kakyoin
PERIOD 4:German Mr.Stroheim
PERIOD 5:Science Dr.Kujo


You thought to yourself.
Youve had all those teachers before,
apart from the new one on the list.
Not only you were drawn to his name because of the address 'Dr' not 'Mr' like all the other teachers, but also because you feel like you've heard that last name somewhere before... you just can't remember where...

You heard some girls behind you giggle, usually you don't listen to other peoples conversations, however you picked out the words


squealed by one of them.
And then you remembered one thing-you recognised the owner of the voice. Her name was Arika Deishi, a very popular and according to most boys, very good looking girl in our school.

'This teacher must be young'
You think jokingly as you let out a scoff under your breath.

You carry on walking down the hallway.


After you greeted all your old teachers, the lunch period came along, after that-a lesson with your new teacher-Dr.Kujo.
You went outside, bag slung over your shoulder, slow steps heading towards the school yard. There weren't many people outside, and you were quite pleased about that fact.
As you sat down on one of the benches belonging to the yard, you took out and unpacked your lunch, looking at the (f/f)(favourite food) in your hands, and taking a bite.

mm how you enjoyed your moms cooking

you finished up your lunch and took a glance at your watch, seeing that you still had 15 minutes to enjoy the outside air.
You closed your eyes and breathed in slowly, feeling the warm breeze mess up your hair slightly, and once again, you smiled gently-to yourself because so far you were having a good day.

Then you heard footsteps not so far away from you, so you dared to take a glance in the direction they were coming from, seeing a tall, well built male in a hat, that... well...
where did the hat end and the hair begin?...
Forgetting about that thought for a while you noticed that the person was not wearing your school uniform.

"he's not a student... so he must teach here... he looks so young though"

You didn't realise you were staring until his aqua-blue eyes met yours for a split second and you looked away immediately, thinking you were rude staring, trying not to aggravate the new teacher.

"is that this Dr.Kujo?"

You thought as you heard the footsteps descend and enter the building.


You headed back into the building, anxiety suddenly crept upon you, realising, if that was indeed Dr.Kujo, this wasn't the best first impression.

But you tried not to think about it-and yet again, entered the classroom early.

A few students were there, scattered around the classroom, excitedly chatting about the new teacher.

You sat in the back near the window as per usual and you looked outside again. It was nearing about 4 o'clock, the sun past the midday mark, casting quite a strong shadow over the towns buildings. Suddenly you heard heavy footsteps heading towards the door of your classroom through the hallway.
All students suddenly went quiet and stared at the door as Dr.Kujo opened the door and entered the classroom with a stern look upon his features.

He walked to the front of the classroom and his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance.
You turned away from the window and looked at him as he walked towards his desk, putting down some papers, his facial expression growing even more stern and annoyed, looking at all of the students who were out of their seats and still chatting.

"Why are you still out of your places, don't you see your teacher is here?"

"wow he's.... intimidating"

"Get to your places and have your notebooks ready. We're gonna go over a few things since I'm your new teacher, and I have my own rules."

He scanned the classroom with those cold, ocean-like eyes of his.
Once his eyes met yours, they lingered on you for a split second longer, and you could have swore, his features softened just a bit while looking at you, although it could have been your mind just playing tricks on you.

"My name is Jotaro Kujo, I will be your teacher for the rest of this year. I do not tolerate failure or slacking off-if any of you doesn't use your full effort or potential in my class, they will be punished either with detention or extra work. Expect a lot of homework and a lot of unexpected quizzes."

The classroom groaned and Dr.Kujo let out a small 'tch'

This seems like a beginning to a fantastic year...


Hello dear readers!
I'm sorry if this was too long or just too boring but i wanted to get a little bit of character and 'backstory' in the first chapter, I promise to make it more interesting-I have a lot of ideas for next chapters written down already!
I'll update as soon as I possibly can, feel free to comment and feedback, and thank you for reading!

~Science Lessons~ professor!Jotaro Kujo x Reader Where stories live. Discover now