Heya! I'm backkk! Sorry for being gone so long... anyways, enjoy the story!"Do you know the weird sisters?" Tracey asked.
"I don't really listen to wizarding music, muggle music is better..." Abigail admitted.
"Really? Can you sing a song for me?" Tracey asked, eyes glowing.
"I suck at singing, though..." Abigail moaned.
"That's what they all say!" Davis huffed.
"Fiiine. But only if we put a silencing charm around the room!" She told her. Tracey put up a silencing charm around the room. She then looked expectantly at Abigail, who was silent. Tracey then spoke up.
"Now?" Abigail mumbled under her breath and opened her mouth to protest but decided against it.
"Yes, now." Tracey replied, bluntly yet insistent.You say I make you nervous, a tragedy;
I'm a beautiful disaster, a reckoning
You wonder how I got this way (You wonder how I got this way)You think I'm someone to be saved, someone to clean up and tame
Oh somethings never change, never change, ohYou think I would look pretty on your arm
Once you cover up my bruises and battle scars
But it always ends the same (But it always ends the same)Can't bear the things I've had to face
Got you crying on your knees in pain
Oh somethings never change, never change, ohYou'll break your back to make me feel again
Suffocate to make me breathe again
Lose your mind from endless praying
Somethings never change, never change, oh
Redemption never cameI stopped asking for forgiveness cause you should know
Only fools tread where the angels fear to go
But you keep trying to get too close
(But you keep trying to get too close)Saved myself by turning into stone,
so save your judgment cause you just don't know
But somethings never change, never change, ohThey say I should feel guilty and change my ways
Leaving crumpled bodies in my wake
Swear I didn't mean to make them break
(Swear I didn't mean to make them break)But they're so delicate and so mundane,
and they keep coming like a moth to flame
Oh somethings never change, never change, mmYou'll break your back to make me feel again
Suffocate to make me breathe again
Lose your mind from endless praying
Somethings never change, never change, ohRedemption never came
"Woah. Is there a certain way to listen to muggle music?" Tracey asked, curiously.
"Yup. It usually doesn't work in magical places but, my father is an auror, so..." her voice trailed off as she began reaching through her bag. She pulled out some earphones and an I-Pod. Abigail put them on Tracey's ears and let her listen to redemption on the IPod.
"Can you hear it?" Davis asked.
"No, because of the earphones. Only the person with them on can hear." Abigail explained, then she began to explain how to use both the IPod and earphones, Tracey occasionally nodding.
"We should probably go to the common room, before Zabini and Nott begin looking for us." Abigail stated, taking off the silencing charms and leading Tracey down the stairs.
"Black! Did you not hear Blaise calling you down?" Nott asked.
"Nope!" Abigail replied, popping the p. Blaise then sighed dramatically and told her what he'd been hoping to tell her for the two days (it's October 2nd)"It's National Poetry Day The Day After Tomorrow..." He told her.
"Oh no... I haven't even began writing a poem!" She exclaimed. She then rushed up to her room. A few minutes later, she came down with a book and paper, grinning.
"Uhh, what time is it?" She asked.
"Well, Black, it's actually almost breakfast. Put your book down and actually come." Nott told her. She huffed.
"I'm going to stay here reading! I don't need no breakfast!" She told him, stubbornly.
"You sound like a freaking tsundere." Nott mumbled, bluntly.
"I don't care! I'm gonna stay here reading!" She protested.
"Abigail, if you don't go to breakfast, you might as well be late." Blaise informed her. Abigail shocked her head, exasperatedly. Tracey then piped up.
"But Abigail... can read it in history of magic class!"
"Professor Binns may be dead but he'll notice I'm not reading about his subject." Abigail mumbled.
"Am I the only one who isn't on a first name basis with Black?" Theodore asked.
"Yes. Yes you are. I mean, I still call them by their last names but... yeah." She replied, continuing in reading.
"You better go get breakfast or I'll hex you." Tracey warned.
"But Tracey... you wouldn't hex an ickle wickle firstie, would you?" Abigail asked, giving her the puppy dog eyes. Having your father as Sirius Black has its perks.
"Awwhhh! Why do you need to be so good at that!?!" Tracey raged.
"Go to breakfast or I'll do the jelly-legs jinx on that Lupin guy." Theo ordered.
"You better not or I'll murder you instantly." Abigail threatened.
"Just go to breakfast, either Tracey or Theo will find a way to make you do it." Blaise told her.
"Fiiineeeee." Abigail mumbled. "But only if Tracey uses the IPod with no headphones on and puts on the song called..." Abigail then whispered something to Tracey. "It also needs to be on full volume and in the great hall." She smirked. She then whispered something else to Tracey, who just frowned but went to Abigail's room to get the IPod.
"What's an IPod?" Blaise asked.
"You'll see." Abigail replied, winking. Just then, Tracey came down with the IPod but no headphones. They all then went to the great hall. A few minutes into breakfast, Tracey finished (she tried not to eat anything that would get her dirty but she ended up doing the rinsing charm ) and then reached into her pocket for the IPod. She scrolled through the list to find the song Abigail told her to do. She played it and then stood up, singing along (well, More like screaming but potato potahto)."Hey Black!"
What, Davis?" Abigail asked.
"I'm a banana!" Tracey screamed.
"You're a what?"
"I'm a banana!" Tracey then had a banana costume appear on her, replacing the school uniform.
"What happened to your clothes?"
"I'm a bananaaaaaaaaa!I'm a banana!
I'm a banana
I'm a banana!
Look at meh move!" Muggle-Borns, Jason, Harry And Abigail then began to sing along."I'm a banana!
I'm a banana!
I'm a banana!
Look at meh move!Banana power
Banana power
Banana power
Banana power
Banana power
Banana power
Banana power
Look at me move!Uh oh banana time
Uh oh banana time
Uh oh banana timeSTOP!
STOP!Carts, farts, marts, darts,
Hearts, starts, carts, marts,
Carts, marts, darts, farts,
Darts, starts, hearts, AAGH!
Chicken, chicken, chicken
I am
chicken, chicken
L-L-L-L-L-Look at-Look at-Look at me!!
L-L-L-L-L-L-L-Look-Look at me move!I'm a banana
I'm a banana
I'm a banana" by the time it ended, everyone had been in banana costumes but the only ones really enjoying it by dancing on the now empty tables had been Tracey, Abigail, Harry and Jason."Everyone, listen up! Today is national banana day!" Tracey exclaimed.
"No it isn't, Davis, you just made that up!" Percy retorted, being sensible as annoying ness.
"Percy! It was fun! Don't just ruin it!" Ron whined.
"I'm not ruining it, I'm trying to make sure the school doesn't get false information!" Percy reiterated.
"Actually, it's on 15th of April!" Abigail told Tracey. "Anyways, who here wants to keep the banana costumes!?!" Most people raised their hands, including Dumbles. An attempting-To-look-bemused-But-not-cry-because-it-reminds-her-of-Remus-That-Abigail-is-sensible-yet-malicious-But-failing-at-looking-bemused-because-she's-basically-grinning McGonagall also did, because she wasn't going to lose the beautiful costume. "Big thanks to Lily Potter (Harry Potter's Mother), who taught me how to make these and also the spells to make it so it'll fit people automatically if they wear it!" Finally the whole crazy riot was over and Abigail left the hall.
"Abby!" A voice called.
"Hey Jace." Abigail greeted, beaming.
"How'd you think of that?" Jason asked.
"Trust me, the day after tomorrow's national poetry day. You'll see true poetry. Literally. And you'll be it." Abigail told him, smirking, before walking to transfiguration with the Gryffindors and leaving Jason gobsmacked. On the way, she was stopped by none other then Harry Potter."Abigail..." He whispered. She turned on her heels to face him.
"Hello." She replied, shortly.
"Your dad used Hedwig to send this but it didn't know who you were so... here." Harry informed her. She smiled before taking it.
"Thanks, Harry. Also, I'm sorry about what I told you, I was just heated up..." Abigail apologised. Harry just hugged her before walking away. She then smiled and read the letter.Hey Abigail!
It's your gorgeous parent! Yes, the gorgeous one, not the other one.
And it's also Remus here!
Yeah, yeah...
Rude. Anyways, while you may think Sirius was mad about you being a slytherin, he's just mad that he lost the bet against Lily. He thought you'd be a Gryffindor, I thought Ravenclaw, James Hufflepuff And Lily thought Slytherin.
Y'know it's depressing how your god-Mother knew you better than your father.
Anyways, we didn't just come to say hi, there's also something we need to tell you. Go to the common room alone at 6AM and don't let anyone come with you.
See you!This will take too long so I'm going to time-skip to the next day at 10PM
"Sirius, just put the silencing charm!" Remus scolded. Sirius lazily put it up once he saw Abigail entering. Remus then put a charm making sure nobody else could enter.
"Moony! Dad!" Abigail exclaimed, hugging the two, happily.
"Sorry that we could only see you under these circumstances..." Remus apologised, kneeling on his knees to be able to be the height of the two, Abigail only being an inch shorter then Sirius, who was tiny. He sighed before continuing.It was 7 in the morning. Abigail was in the astronomy tower, curled up with deep bags under her eyes. She had just been sitting there, spacing out. For the entire night. No sleep. No food. No nothing. She was deprived of energy but she didn't care. She heard footsteps coming and pretended to look as if she'd just come up to the area.
"Don't try that, Abigail Black." The familiar voice of Blaise Zabini told her. "You've been gone for an hour. Possibly longer..." he sounded concerned yet stern.
"W-Wait, really? What time is it?" Abigail asked. Blaise sighed,
"7 in the morning. lucky it's a weekend or you'd be late for breakfast."
"O-oh..." she muttered.
"What time did you come up here?" Blaise asked. She muttered an answer and he just raised his eyebrows.
"Try guess." She told him, teasingly.
"3AM?" He guessed. She smiled, as a way to fake saying yes to it. "Explains how it looks like you put a bunch of eyeshadow under your eye..." he mumbled.
"Hey, do you know anything about the Greek myths?" Abigail asked.
"Kind of, my mother sent me to a muggle school and so we learnt about the Greek myths in the last year of it." Blaise replied, "why?"
"Just... been thinking. Something my godfather and father told me..." Abigail half-lied.
"What is it?" Blaise questioned. He sat down next to his friend and smiled encouragingly at her.
"It's a bit like with our statue of secrecy, I'm not allowed to talk about it..." Abigail admitted. "Hey, we should probably go get breakfast!" She exclaimed, changing the subject rapidly.