— Chapter 4: I Care for You Bakugou—Bakugou sighed as he spread his arms out on the kitchen island. Burying his head into the crook of his arms his eyes wondered his beige and creme colored home. "Why did I pick you up from school?" Her voice wasn't angry or loud and obnoxious like it normally was. It was calm and concerned and it had Bakugou confused. He didn't always see this version of Mitsuki Bakugou. He wasn't used to it. He was used to her screaming and aggression. He was used to her loud voice and head slaps when he did something wrong.
He realized some people might find his mom abusive, but she wasn't abusive, she just was aggressively loving. He knew she only wanted the best for him but she couldn't always convey it properly. Her being calm and muted in comparison to her usual version of concern, was strange to Katsuki. He loved his mom, and he realizes she loves him, because she supports him no matter what.
She never didn't support him. Since he first got his quirk she was always there cheering him on. Mitsuki herself realizes that she and others might have cheered him on too hard, and she ended up with a spoiled brat of a son, but she loves him none the less. She just wishes he would learn to be a better person, a nicer person. She wishes for him to be the hero they both know he can be.
She was even there for him when they told her he was going deaf because of his quirk, or even when he came out as pansexual. She remembers him saying, 'I don't care what gender they are as long as they are strong and keep up with me, I will love them till my dying days.' She was so proud of him, for being so courageous to admit that, and she was so proud of him for being confident enough to be comfortable in his own sexuality.
When he was kidnapped the first time, she didn't know what she would do and the fact it happened a second. Mitsuki felt like she couldn't breathe. It felt like her heart had been ripped out of her chest. Like her trachea was stuck in her throat and her lungs collapsed on impact. The first time Bakugou was kidnapped she watched from her couch in horror. Her son was on the news being engulfed by some slime monster. All she could do was sit and watch in horror.
She had to sit and watch as he trained harder to get into UA, as he became bitter and even more angry. It physically hurt her to watch, but all she could do was sit and watch, all she could do was give advice from the sidelines.
When the call from the school came that Katsuki was kidnapped a second time, Mitsuki felt like she had just died. Her only baby entrusted to this uppity school, gone? Within the instant the phone hit the floor. She couldn't breathe. She felt weak. Like she couldn't protect him.
She realizes that she may be a violent aggressive person, but that's just how she was raised. That's just how her family has been for generations. She has mellowed out over the years. Especially since she met her husband Masaru and has had Katsuki. But watching her son be kidnapped she felt weak, she almost felt like he was a little weak.
She wanted to get stronger, she needed to get stronger. So when the school said they would do a better job at protecting her son she believed them. She trusted them. They were pro heroes after all. Her son would get stronger. She will get stronger. Together they will be stronger.
So when she got a call from Katsuki saying to come pick him up, she was scared. Worried that something went terribly wrong. She has been getting therapy and taking anger management classes, so that she can be calm and collected, so she doesn't have to yell when the situation doesn't call for it. She wants to support her son, she wants to continue to support her son.
She stared at him. Red met red. "Why did I pick you up from school?" she repeated, her voice calm and collected. Bakugou gulped, the air around him feeling heavy. He couldn't just tell her its because everyone was acting normal after him being kidnapped. He couldn't just tell her its because he felt weak. He couldn't tell her those things. It would make him look weak, and he didn't want to look weak. Not in front of her. Not in front of his mom.
"Do I have to say?" He grunted his eyes looking every where but hers. He was hoping to get out of it, hoping if he ignored it long enough, she would forget about it and just let him be. But he knew that wasn't the case, he knew deep down that his mom would not let it go.
Mitsuki pulled out a stool and sat next to her son. Racking her fingers against the creme colored granite counter, she awaited an answer. Bakugou sighed as he turned to stare at her. "It feels like I'm stuck in place and everyone is moving forward." He announced as the room got deathly quiet. Mitsuki stared in awe. She was too afraid to blink or even breathe. This was a rare opportunity her son never opens up let alone to her of all people.
Bakugou waited a minute, as he made sure that his mom wouldn't talk or interrupt him. When he was finally sure he continued. "I was kidnapped, and they are all moving on like it never even happened." He looked straight into red eyes. Mitsuki felt like he was staring through her. "Mom, am I so bad that my feelings are insignificant." He paused to catch a breath. "The villains wanted me mom. They wanted me to be like one of them."
Mitsuki was about to respond when there was a knock on the door. She looked out the window to see a purple buggie and two teenagers rushing to get out of it. One was all pink with raccoon eyes, and the other was tall with red hair. "Are these friends of yours?" Mitsuki asked as Bakugou hopped off the stool to see what his mom was looking at.
His breath caught in his throat as he stared at the scene before. Shitty hair, raccoon eyes? What are they doing at his house? Also how did they find his house? He sighed as he nodded to his mom. Mitsuki opened the door waving for the two teenagers to enter the house.
They were soaked from the pouring rain. "I'll get you some towels." Mitsuki said as she headed upstairs. Bakugou stared at the two fleshlings he called friends in his living room. What were they doing here?
"I'm sorry we came uninvited but Kirishima here was just really worried about you." Mina said, her voice chipper and high. Bakugou stared at Kirishima who just looked away as blush spread across his cheeks.
"You just left so suddenly," he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "And after that outburst in class, and th-" he cut himself off as a blush crept further up his cheeks and onto the tips of his ears. "I- I was just worried about you that is all. You are my best bro!" He smiled his iconic lopsided smile. His shark teeth glowing a pearly white. Bakugou looked away hiding his blush and the small smile that seemingly also appeared on his face.
Mitsuki reappeared and handed the two soaking wet teens towels. "Here you go cuties." She smiles and then turns to Bakugou. "I'll be in your dads office if you need me." Bakugou grunted as a reply and Mitsuki walked off and away.
"So you were worried about me, really?" Bakugou asked his face contorted in amusement and confusion. Kirishima nodded as he stared in the sparkly red eyes before him. He really was worried about Bakugou. He was worried for so many reasons. They almost kissed, he was recently kidnapped and his outburst in class. He was concerned for the blonde boy that stood before him, he just wishes the boy could see that too.
"Yeah, I really was." He said shyly. "I had Mina ditch class and drive all the way to your house. I even remembered your address because you told me to meet you here for the holidays when we would go mountain climbing together." Bakugou nodded, at least one question had been answered. Mina sat down on the couch, she wanted to watch her ship from a distance. She didn't want to interfere with the work of fate too much.
Bakugou huffed, "I guess I wasn't expecting this." He looked at Kirishima, a blush trying to creep its way up his cheeks. He coughed, looking a away. "I sorta thought you pretended to care, since everyone was moving on like nothing happened." His voice slowly became a whisper, but Kirishima heard. His eyes widening he stepped closer to Bakugou. Placing a hand on his shoulder red looked deeply into red.
"If I was pretending to care, I wouldn't have came and bugged you last night trying to figure out what was wrong." Eijiro sighed his voice stern and commanding. "And I definitely wouldn't have run after you with your book bag when you had your outburst in class." He chuckled placing his other hand on Katsuki's shoulders. So now both hands were leaning on the blonde boy before him. "And if I really didn't care, I wouldn't be here right now trying to find out what's wrong so we can both get back to school and have fun being the best bros I know we are again!" He smiled his teeth shimmering.
Bakugou looked away cracking a smile. "YOU LISTEN TO THAT BOY KATSUKI, HE DROVE ALL THIS WAY FROM UA TO SEE YOU!" Mitsuki huffed out from upstairs in the office. "HE IS A GOOD BOY, SO GO BACK TO SCHOOL WITH HIM AND TRY AND BE A GOOD FRIEND!"
"SHUT UP OLD HAG!" Bakugou shouted back as he looked at Kirishima. He grabbed his bag and headed to the door. Kirishima stood speechless watching him. Just what was going through this hot headed blonde boy's mind.
"You coming or what?" Katsuki asked as he stared at a frozen Eijiro and a couch potato Mina.
"Coming where?" Kirishima asked generally confused. Bakugou laughed a hearty laugh as he stared at the tall red headed boy before him.
"To school dipshit." He chuckled. "Where else where we be going hair for brains?" Kirishima laughed as he stared at Bakugou. Gaining composure he smiled a huge lopsided toothy smile. Bakugou smiled back, for some reason he always smiled whenever he saw the red headed boys shit eating grin.
"Alright, lets go Katsuki!" Eijiro shouted as he ran out the door and into the car. Bakugou stared hard a blush crawling up his face and to the tips of his ears. He stood there silently trying to process what just happened. Did Eijiro Kirishima just call him Katsuki? Why, what, huh? He was so confused. He knew they were close enough to call each other by their first names, he just wasn't expecting them to actually do it that's all. He didn't know how to feel, he felt weird. But like a good kind of weird. He wouldn't mind if he heard it again, but next time, maybe not in front of raccoon eyes. And definitely not in the range of his old hag mom's ears.
Mina took a picture of Bakugou's blushing face and ran straight to the car. Bakugou stared, his eyes blinking rapidly, recovering from the bright ass light that just wrecked his eyes.
"WHAT THE FUCK!" Bakugou screamed as he registered what just happened. "RACCOON EYES I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU! DELETE THAT PICTURE YOU SHITTY PINK BITCH!" He ran out the door after her. "I WILL KILL YOU!"
Mina laughed, she had no intention of deleting the picture, if anything a certain red head will end up having it as his phone's lock screen for the rest of the school year.
(Word Count: 2060)