Staten Island Slang Terms

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You're shot: Telling somebody that there is a zero percent chance of an event happening.

She Thinks Who She Is: A negative term used to express that another person is conceited or full of herself.

Come Scoop: A term used to tell a friend to come pick you up in their car.

That's Dope: To express an item or piece of clothing that is really cool.

Bro: What are you burnt?: Describe someone who is acting like they are high on drugs.

Mint: To describe a piece of clothing or object as high-quality.

Scheeve: A term used to describe a person who is dirty or unclean.

Mad: Another word for very.

Not for Nothing: A phrase that is traditionally used to begin an aggravated thought.

At the End Of the Day: A phrase used to conclude or summarize a particular idea into a smaller thought.

Brick: Cold weather.

Dead ass Expressing seriousness.

You're my Boy: A term of endearment used between friends.

Take it There: When somebody gets out of line.

Sick: An expression used to describe something as cool or extraordinary.

Good Sh*t: Another way of saying you're proud of somebody.

Throw hands: The final words before a fight.

Tight: Another word for pissed off.

Spazzin'/Buggin'/Trippin': Somebody who is agitated or bothered.

Kicks: A pair of sneakers.

We out: A way of letting your friends know it's time to leave.

Real Talk: Express a level of seriousness, very similar to dead ass.

Fire: A way of describing something that is really cool.

Chill: Another way of telling someone to take a step back.

I'm Fit: Committed.

Banging: A word to describe good taste.

Good Looks: A way of showing appreciation; very similar to thank you.

Stoonad: A term used for people who never think.

Jelly: Jealous.

Chooch: When someone does something stupid without thinking first or acts extremely immature.

Fa-Days: Something that is occurring for a long period of time.

Could You Imagine?: A negative phrase used to show the disbelief of something that someone might do.

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