Beep. Beep. Beep.
The machine plays a little tune calming the blond boy. He stares at the sleeping girl in front of him with worried and pained eyes.
He couldn't process what just happened. His mind still recovering from the sock it witnessed.
His friend almost died.
He remembers when they rushed to the hospital.
Tom yelling for help.
Alya and Sabine were sobbing.
Nino comforting them both.
Well for him he held the bleeding girl in his arms like a fragile doll.
This will traumatize him for the rest of his life. Never has he seen so much blood on a person, horror movies are much better.
Luckily the doctors were able to stabilize her.
That was to close for comfort.
Adrien stares at her his green eyes scanning at the sleeping beauty in front of him.
He wants to take her hand and squeeze it but he was afraid of hurting her. The oxygen mask over her mouth made him more sick of himself than ever.
He misses her smile, positive attitude, her high self-esteem and her sparkling blue eyes.
Sabine and Tom walk in the room eyes red from crying.
They blink when they notice Adrien in the room, knowing very well he has a photoshoot to attend.
"Son?" Tom says making the boy turn around.
"Aren't you supposed to be at a photoshoot?"
Adrien said nothing. Eyes on Marinette.
Sabine sighs sadly knowing how close the boy is with their daughter. A bond that developed in a short period of time. A bond that can never be broken.
"Adrien I know you are worried about her but she's a fighter she'll wake up I know it."
Tears flow down his cheeks.
"Why would Marinette do such a thing?" He asks.
The two parents said nothing.
Then Marinette groans alerting everyone in the room to look at her.
After a bit of stirring Marinette opens her eyes looking at the people staring back at her.
She tried to say something but she couldn't she felt weak and her throat hurts for some reason.
"Marinette?" Adrien says. "Can you see me?"
The bluenette only nods her head. Tom and Sabine went out to tell the doctor about Marinette's waking leaving the two teens alone.
Holding Marinette's hand Adrien stocks it while she helplessly stares at him with her dull blue eyes.
Adrien could tell a lot of things were going on in her head. Her eyes trailing around the room with confusion and intimidation.
"It's alright I'm here don't worry." Adrien strokes her hand.
He notices a single tear flow down her face which made him sigh sadly.
Marinette only stares at him ignoring the tear on her face.
"I read your letter Marinette." Adrien starts off.
"Why would you do this?"
Marinette didn't say anything not because she couldn't talk it's just painful for her to talk about her problems.

FanfictionMarinette is struggling to put up with Chloe's bullying and her classmates ignoring her and some secrets she's hiding. Will she find help before it's to late.