Chapter 6: the Task of the Dead

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>>the Task of the Dead<<

        I looked at my room cautiously. Not my temporary room, but the room that Jackie met me. 

        I stepped carefully inside, aware of any ghosts popping out of nowhere to scare me. 

        "Don't worry dear... no bloody ghost here" A familiar voice called out. I zipped my head toward the noise and found Elizabeth, my maid, dusting every spot of my cabinet. 

        I blushed embarassly and replied, "Okay good... also, you don't need to do that, I can clean it myself" 

        Elizabeth stared shockingly at me once again as if she had seen a baby unicorn. 

        "You don't have to do that, Aria. Cleaning is my job, Allyza's orders" Elizabeth said smoothly while she continued sweeping. 

        I stared at the dust being swept away by her duster. It all swept like a cloud of smoke, only swifter and more graceful.  

        I kept staring at it, until I noticed something strange. The dust wasn't being swept away swiftly anymore. It seemed to stay in the air for a few seconds, and then plop back down on the ground. 

        I stared more closer, and finally realized why. The dust was creating a shape in the air. It was only seconds that I could read it until the dust collapsed and the hit the ground. I kept staring at the dust that was repeatedly being swept away from the duster and finally made out the shape... it was close to a lightbulb. 

        My heart stopped. Was Jackie trying to contact me? What did she want from me or did she just want to scare me once again? 

        "Um... Elizabeth, would you mind leaving the room for a minute? I need to... do something" I asked as mildly as I could but I seemed to fail because Elizabeth looked at me suspiciously, she stared down at my eyes as if searching for any secrets, but immediately left. Of course, because of being a maid, you have to obey orders. 

        Right when she shut the door I called out as bravely as I could without showing the nervousness and panic inside me, " Jackie Simson?" 

        So many things happened at once that I couldn't keep track of what had just happened. The lights went off right when the window brust open-shattering the glass again, when the drawers of my cabinet blasted open- making clothes fly everywhere, when the water in the bathroom gushed out- even the showers, and... when the blanket of my bed formed a shape that chilled me to the bone. 

        I stepped toward the bed and looked at the shape. It... was what I looked like... in bed. I ripped open the blanket, but it simply collapsed on my bed with no more shape.  

        Something happened that terrified me even more. Once the blanket collapsed, it hovered in the air and then slammed onto something in the air, and stayed there. Only then that I noticed that the 'something' was an invisible body that was there this entire them. 

        The blanket covered the stiff body, as if giving it color so I could locate it. The body was around 4 feet high, and it stayed in a position that looked like it was in the army. 

        My heart seemed to quicken a hundred times more beat in a minute. I backed  away from the figure at the other side of the bed, but only to forget about the stairs and stumbled. 

        Sure, the cast was soft, but it didn't mean that my foot wasn't in pain. 

        Pain shot into my foot like a hundred people were punching it as hard as they could. I moaned from all the pain. It felt as if I had gotten into a car crash.  


        A giggly laughter filled my room and echoed into the walls. The body in front of me began to glide toward me as slow as a snail. It glided through the bed like it were a spoon being dipped into soup and approached me.  

        I screamed and threw the nearest object I could find at it. My alarm clock. 

        The alarm clock didn't hurt the ghost... well of course it would, stupid of me. The alarm clock simply took the blanket with it and both of them hit the bed with alight thud

        Another giggly laughter filled the room, this time, it sounded more thunderous and dangerous. 

        "What do you want?!" I screamed. 

        The ghost's figure turned pitch black, like a dementor in a Harry Potter movie. 

        "Uhhhhwwwuuhhhhhllllllooouuuuhhhh" It  whispered in my ear. I screamed an ear-piercing noise. Again, I didn't know what it said, until it became like a shrieking shout. 

        "Ouuhhhhhh...... ohhhhh... thhhhaashhhhkkkk" It murmured.

        "I want you out or else you will suffer deathly task!" It shrieked. I covered my ears with my hands to keep the deathly noise away. 

        " What task? What do you mean?!" I wimpered. I refused to open my eyes to see Jackie.

        "A task that will lead you to the other side of eternity or will give you freedom... but only when successfully completed"Jackie proclaimed. The air seemed to turn dead cold as I were visiting a graveyard at a chilly night. 

        The other side of eternity. What did she mean? 

        "What is this task and why are you offering it to me?" I asked. Another throaty laugh echoed into the walls, causing the world to vibrate.  

        "You're the first not to say no" Before I could protest that I didn't agree to the task, she explained in a dangerous yet gentle voice, "I need you to figure out how I died... neither do I know nor remember how. As a spiritly ghost, I will make you..."For some reason, I knew she outstretched her hand toward me.

        I opened my eyes and saw her true features.

        Jackie looked very bony that someone could have mistakened her as a skeleton. She looked very young. Her frizzy dark blue  hair ended right over her shoulders. Her face was what scared me the most.  Jackie's face was filled with coldness as if she never trusted anyone anymore. Dried blood was frozen near between her left ear and upper left forehead. Her mouth seemed to be the chappest lips I had ever seen, it was very thin and had a few cuts with a huge gash planted in the corner. Her pale skin seemed to glow a bit and her clothes were torn as if a wolf had mauled her.

        Jackie's outstretched hand twitched madly. Before I had said a word about disagreeing, a felt a pulling sensation spread in my throat. It was as if somebody had grabbed the skin of my throat and began pulling at it like a baby pulling on her mother's hand to follow her fiercely. 

        I found myself speaking words that I had no intention of saying. " I vow to unlock the secrets of Jackie Revolvanal Simson's past of who had killed her, her life, and where Edgar  disappeared to. I vow to protect Jackie Revolvanal Simson's ghost when a mortal tries to rid of her. I vow to never lie to Jackie Revolvanal Simson's ghost at any particular cost. Lastly and most importantly, I solemnly vow that if I do not complete this task successfully, Jackie Revolvanal Simson's spirit may possess my soul for eternity throughout any cost, but if I succeed, Jackie Revolvanal Simson will exit the world forever. As Aria Renorar Jackson, I swear down to my soul that I vow to follow these rules."

        After the horrifying speech I had just given that I had not given personally, I coughed maniacally, feeling as though dozens of ants were crawling in my throat.

        Jackie approached me with deadly glare and faced me, our faces only inches apart. "You have two weeks to finish the task, or I will have all the power to control you

        I stared frighteningly at her, wanting to scream at her to take the vow back, but it would be no use. Screaming orders at a ghost would do no good.

        She drifted away and out the window in a black mist as everything in the room arranged back in order making it look normal again.

        My heart was still car-fast. My throat ached like I had swallowed something big, and my foot seemed to be dead from the pain that it had experienced.

        "What am I going to do...."

>>There you go! Chapter 6 finished. You'll find chapter 7 tomorrow saved and published by tomorrow, maybe near 3 pm. Once again, thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!<<

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