3 - Backstory

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"How did you and Nick meet?" Jack asked, heading into the elevator with Aurora.

"It's a long story" Aurora said, wiping some tears from her eyes as she tried to calm her breathing a bit, slightly looking at Jack when she leaned forward and flipped a switch to stop the elevator.

"We have some time" Jack said, smiling over to Aurora, who had took a deep breath and nodded.


"Come on Aurora, it's just drinks" Kit said, basically begging  the pajama'd woman who seemed determined to sit in on the night.

"I'm good, I have a couple more classes tomorrow anyways, then I have to head out tomorrow night for the workshop" Aurora said, brushing it off as she looked down at the binder of things that was sprawled open on her bed currently.

"Why don't you ever just want to have fun and let loose once in a while?" Kit groaned with an eye roll.

"I do to let loose and have fun" Aurora said firmly. "But as of right now, this promotion is more important" she added, looking up at her friend slightly.

"There. Why don't you let me take you out for an hour, maybe a drink or two, a calm night as a congratulations for your promotion" Kit offered making Aurora sigh and throw her head back before looking back at her.

"If it will make you stop begging to go out with you, then fine" Aurora said, shifting to stand up while Kit cheered. "But I am not  being the adult tonight" she added as Kit nodded and hurried out.

Aurora sighed and shut her bedroom door behind her before picking out a simple purple dress and putting it on before brushing her hair back and getting ready to go.


"I'm going to be at the bar if you need anything" Aurora said as Kit nodded and hurried off to dance with some guys making Aurora roll her eyes and head over to the bar, taking an empty spot close to the exit just in case.

"One old fashioned please" Aurora said to the bartender who nodded and went to get her drink.

"Classic drink for a classic girl I'm guessing?" A voice spoke up from beside Aurora.

Aurora turned to face whoever the voice was but came face-to-face with dark brown eyes.

"Possibly, are you here to profile me?" Aurora asked with a hint of teasing in her tone.

"Possibly, are you someone who need profiling?" The voice teased back making Aurora smile slightly.

"Kindergarten teacher, brought here after reckless begging from a friend...I don't think so" Aurora said with a smile. "I'm Aurora" she added, holding a hand out for him to shake.

"Archer" the guy said smoothly with a smile, shaking Aurora's hand.

"Nice name" Aurora smiled.

"Could say the same about you" Archer said

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Aurora was fast walking from her car to the school she worked at. She had an interview with a teaching hand that the school had paired with her, someone named Stark.

While she was walking though, it felt like somebody was following her and it was bugging her out.

She took a few more steps before turning and getting ready to yell but came face-to-face with Archer again.

"Archer?, What are you doing here?" Aurora asked incredulously.

"Surprising you" Archer said truthfully making Aurora blush and put her hand down.

"Sorry, I just felt like I was being followed or watched for a while now" Aurora admitted, glancing down slightly.

"Don't apologize, anyone can feel that way" Archer said. "How about, we hang out later, after school?" He asked, pointing towards the building.

Aurora looked from him to the building then back to him and nodded. "I'd like that very much" she said with a smile and slight nod.

"You should head in, don't want you to be late to school" Archer said with a smile making Aurora nod.

"Right, I'll see you later" Aurora smiled before heading into the building.


When school let out, Aurora had started to leave her classroom and head out of the building but heard some voices coming from a nearby room that surprised her and made her a bit curious.

As she neared the room, she heard more things distinguished like grunts and fighting, as well as things falling and a couple names and threats being sent out.

"Leave her alone. She is needed for us" One of the voices spoke.

"Not a chance"  The other voice said.

At that point, Aurora had to step in, even though the voices seemed more adult like rather than childish which she may be used to, she had to stop the petty fighting.

When Aurora opened the door and looked she seemed shocked and somehow betrayed, for the scene in front of her was a massacred classroom  with Archer and Stark fighting with each other, but both of their attentions were turned on her.

"What?, Why? -" Aurora started, unsure of what to say or how to phrase it correctly without breaking down.

"Aurora, it's not what you think" Archer started before Aurora shook her head and held her hands up to stop him.

"You can wait, I'll deal with next" Aurora said firmly to him before turning to Stark. "You, who the hell are you?" She snapped. "Because during the interview, you said nothing about having any sort of physical or anger management  background" she added.

"Ms.Greyson, I'm so sorry, but this..." Stark started before pointing towards Archer. "...This man, Nick Torres, seems to want to put something between you and I during my teaching trial here" Stark said.

"Nick Torres?" Aurora said incredulously before looking to Archer than back to Stark. "That's Archer, and you are fired, I will talk to the principal about suspending you from all schools" she said, turning to leave before a shot was heard and she froze, feeling her blood run cold and through her outfit before she fell.

Another shot rang out before she was grabbed and held.

"Hey, hey just stay with me, please, we'll get some help" Archer said, making sure Aurora's eyes stayed open and she was looking at him while he grabbed his phone to make a call.


When Aurora woke up again, she was in a hospital, hooked up to everything, her back feeling like absolute shit.

"What time is it?" She mumbled out loosely as if she was hungover.

"Oh good, you're up" Nick spoke when he walked back into the room, genuinely glad that she was up.

"Who are you?, Why does my back hurt?, What happened when I went to leave?" Aurora asked, slowly sitting up with his help.

"Well, you don't have amnesia, but we did leave off on a confusing foot yesterday" Nick said.

"Yesterday!" Aurora said, going to push herself up but failing when she hurt herself again. "Ow" she muttered underneath her breath

"Don't push yourself, and you're in the clear for not being at class today, I just called the school to tell them that you had an emergency and made sure that Stark was fired and currently banned from all school boards" Nick said. 

"That doesn't answer my other two questions" Aurora said. "Are you Nick Torres, an undercover fighter or are you Archer, the friendly cop that I met?" she asked. "And what happened when I went to leave the classroom yesterday?"

Nick took a sigh before taking a seat next to Aurora and cautiously holding her hand softly. "My name is Nicholas Torres, I am an Undercover Agent" he said truthfully. "When you went to leave the classroom yesterday, Stark shot you in the back, very close to your spine but you will still be mobile and everything, nothing too serious --" he started.

"Nothing to serious?, You have got to be kidding me!, Why have you been following me?, My life was perfect without you" Aurora snapped.

"It's Kit" Nick said. "Her and Stark have been keeping tabs on you" he added.

Aurora shook her head. "No, you - you're lying" she said. "I've known Kit since I was Ten" she added truthfully.

"Maybe so, but..." Nick started before furrowing his eyebrows. "You've known Kit since you both were ten?" He asked as Aurora nodded. 

"Yes, so she can't be out to get me" Aurora said.

"Give me a second" Nick said, standing and going to make a couple calls, leaving Aurora alone.

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