Oh, yeah, part three is here!
These first 20 were done by TheCrazyRavenclaw (I didn't even ask her this time XD)
Me: Just give a ReeZan, just a little bit's enough!
Niki: I think you're hot; I think you're cool. You're the kind of guy I'd stalk in school.
Nicolas: ...Stay the hell away from me!
Rex, Amy & Reese: I love to suffer! All the time! Every day! Twenty four seven!
Kyra: *lovely sigh* Wow... You really know how to speak from the heart...
Cole: ...Really? I thought I was speaking from my mouth. Well, shows what I know about biology!
Sue: Guys don't like me,
These guys, they don't like me,
These guys don't like me
Cause their girlfriends...
Guys don't like me,
These guys, they don't like me,
These guys don't like me
Cause their girlfriends do
Cruz: All is strange and vague.
Dark: Are...Are we dead?
Cruz: Or is this Ohio?
Zepar: *Listens to the opening of Candy Store from Heathers*
Ursula: You called for the bravest, most daring knight in all the land?
Reese: Oh yes!
Zander: Well, too bad. You got us instead!
Ed: What a silly mix up.
Kyra: *Walking into Reese's room* Okay, I'm all set! What's with Satan's secretary?
Zepar: *Growling*
*Take Me Down to Heaven rocking out as the first verse of Old Time Rock and Roll plays*
Rex: I wrote a song called "I'm Late for My Final" and it's just four minutes of uninterrupted screaming.
Sue's new theme song: Too Cool from Camp Rock
Zepar: I know it sounds sordid but you'll be rewarded when at last I am given my dues! And injustice deliciously squared! Be prepared!
Aki: Zoe?
Zoe: Yes, Mrs. Taylor?
Aki: Don't fight an ugly girl; she has nothing to lose.
Zoe: ...I'll keep that in mind.
Dinoman: Are either of you good at jumping up and down and making annoying noises?
Kenji: My time has come!
*literally anytime Rex gets a love interest in a fanfic*
Zoe: I can see what's happening.
Max: What?
Zoe: And they don't have a clue!
Max: Who?
Zoe: They'll fall in love and, here's the bottom line; our trio's down to two!
Sora: I don't think I could live in a world without light!
Lucy: *Sarcastic* Yes, that would be dark.
Kenji: *Springs from nowhere with a bunch of roses* WHERE?!
Mike: Why I oughta-! Let me at 'em! Let me at 'em! *Turns to Trias and holds out his coat* Here, hold me back.
Trias: *Grasps his coat* Okay!
Mike: *Strains against his hold* Let me at 'em! Let me at 'em!
Trias: Okay! *Lets him go*
Mike: *Stops and turns to him* I think you're missing the basic point here.
Trias: Oh...
Sora: What's Business Cat's superpower? *Does a Cat Noir pose* CAPITALISM! *Grins*
Zakuro: *starts walking away* Fuck this shit, I'm out.
Sora: Sweetheart? Dear? Why are you walking away? Come BACK!
Alice then: There are so many girls out there who are better than me. They're pretty; I'm not. They're funny; I'm not.
Alice now: You know what?! **** it! I'm out! Bye!
Okay, the rest is done by me (mostly stolen like all the memes)
Cole: Oh, let's try something. We'll call out babe and see who reacts!
Sue: *smirks* Fine, let's see.
Cole: I'll go first. Babe!
Sue: *laughs* Not so irresistible after all. Now watch me, rockstar. Hey, babe!
Zoe: Yeah? Did you call?
Amy: Huh? What is it?
Meena: Yes?
Cole: What the-
Me: I think I forgot something.
Bel & Raven: If you forgot, then it wasn't important.
Me: Yeah, you're right.
The Sakura Group character development: *standing in the rain* ...
Every single OoTaS character: Please, just let me have one good day.
Me: Oh, you again? Give it a rest buddy.
Shuyro: *calls Sora* Shinori, are you asleep?
Sora: *half-awake answers the phone* No, nigga, I'm skydiving...
Nicolas: Oh, hi! Thanks for checking in; I'm still a piece of garbage!
Lucy: Every time you yell at your kids, put a quarter in your no yelling sock and soon you'll have a weapon to beat-
Kyra, Nicolas, Alice & Justin: *immediately leave the house and get adopted by other families*
(Already done this one in a video, but I love it so whatever!)
Kyra: Hey, what do you want to eat?
Zepar: The souls of the innocent.
Reese: A bagel.
Zepar: What?! No!
Reese: Two bagels.
Max: Yes! YEEEEEEESS!! I got two free tacos!
Komatsu, Phoebus & Micheal when they found out I'm writing the whole story again: Ah, shit. Here we go again.
Zepar: You wanna die?!
Reese: I'm a bad bitch, you can't kill me.
Sue literally anywhere: Move, I'm gay!
Cole: What the...?
Ema (in her rebellious stage): *points at Sue* This bitch called me ugly. I said, 'bitch, where?' She said 'under all that make-up'. I said, 'bitch, where?'
Mary: You're just mine, Rexy. *leans in for a kiss*
Dark: *sighs* ...This has so many calories...
Andy: You are a stick, bitch.
Andy: I can show you the world!
Sabi: I don't wanna see it.
Andy: Okay...
Sora: *starts spinning on a chair* Weee!
Zakuro: *facepalms* ...You're embarrassing me, idiot...
Sora: *continues spinning*
Cretacia: *starts spinning as well* Weee!
Zakuro: What the...
Trias: *smiles* I love her so much.
Alright, that's all for now.
I wanna thank Raven for all the help with this even if she didn't have to.
And I hope you enjoyed.