The Cat

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It was just the cat, i promise 
The cat got mad, and scratched me 
They saw the marks and the scars 
For 6 years i blamed "The Cat"

When anyone saw it all i could say was "It was the cat"
"the cat did it"
But one day someone saw i was bleeding.
They asked what it was 
"The cat hurt me again"
They could tell with the pain in my eyes what it really was 

I walked away and they followed 
"So what was it"
"what was what"
"The marks on ur arms"
"Oh it was the cat"
He looked at me and stopped me

He silently rolled my sleeves up to see 
Fresh, bleeding marks on my wrists 
He looked at me and rolled them down again
Looking down seeing the blood stains on my sleeve 

"I know that this is going to be hard, but smile and you wont be in pain more"
Dead silence filled the area 
"What color was the cat"
"Sharp silver" 

I walked away and sat and grabbed it out of my pocket 
**THE CAT** 

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