You Twat

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Wildcat P.O.V

Mini has refused to talk to me for days now, he thinks I don't care about our relationship but I do!
It's not easy to come out to your friend especially after what he said, "Yeah, you shoulda seen his face when I pulled away, he totally believed me", Evans words paced around my head, I know I made fun of Delirious all the time but he had gotten personal, what would he of done if I came out there?

I went onto twitter to tweet the guys and ask of they wanted to record tonight, when something in the 'World Trends' caught my eye.
Errr....what? I clicked on the trend to be greeted by many pictures of Evan and Delirious holding hands and kissing at a fair.

"Holy shit" I thought "Evan and Delirious are gay for each other". All kinds of things ran through my mind that I could say, I could fucking crush them. Chuckling at myself I stood up and called Mini.

Miniladd P.O.V

Why couldn't Tyler tell Evan?
Did he not love me?
Was he embarrassed by me?
He says he tried but I don't believe him, if he likes me as much as he says he does, he would've told him.

Speak of the devil he's calling me. I couldn't stay mad, I wanted to hear his voice again so I answered it.

"Hi" I greeted in a forced flat tone. "Babe, look. Lighten up okay? I got something for you"
"What could you possibly have to fix this" I replied, optimistic. (a/n mini wants it (; )
"Check the trends on twitter"
"Fucking hell, that's all you got" I asked rolling my eyes "Just check it" he giggled. I logged into twitter and I immediately saw tons of '#h2oVanoss'.

"Do you see it" Tyler said, you practically taste the smile on his face.
"Yeah, I do. What the fuck is this?"
"We could reck Delirious with this shit! I bet the gay twats are fucking freaking at this already".

I stayed quite and gripped the phone tight.
" there?"
"Don't call me babe if you think I'm a gay twat" I spat through gritted teeth.
"What, no what I didn't mean it that way, just wait a sec" he rushed.
I gave him a momentto explain but all he could say is random gibberish." Mate" Wildcat paused "fuck you" and the phone line went dead.

Authors note:
Really sorry guys for it being short but I don't know much about the 'MiniCat' relationship. I'm also trying to add tension which looks like in failing horribly at.
I'll try and write longer next time, baiii :3

By the way I will be writing the next chapter (-:

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