Asa and Alex

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We carried on towards the beach. We planed to charm speak a "rental" on a boat and I would steer it to the original Rome. Where the entrance to Tartarus was. We were walking along the beach to get to P. Town so we could rent from there. I spotted two kids running out of their beach house one was a girl the other was a boy. I hear the boy say, "I just want to run away. The only reason I'm stating at this foster home is because we are right next to the beach." the girl nodded and said, "if it weren't for the ocean I'd be long gone."

All of a sudden I felt a pull in my guy. Chaos pulled a time veil over me and he smiled, ten showed me a vision.

~the vision~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I saw my mom laying in a hospital bed. She looked roughly fifteen years younger. A doctor walked in and held up three fingers. I looked back at my mom and she smiled looking down at her stomach. Which I noticed had a bump. She looked up a the doctor and said, "I can't wait. November 11 is only six months away!"

The vision swirled and I was in a different hospital room and my mom's stomach was huge. She was in pain and the doctors were trying to comfort her. One of them mumbled, "c section" my mom nodded and the conked her out with some drugs. All of a sudden two figures glowed into existence beside my mom's bed. They were Poseidon and Apollo. Apollo waved his hand and all pain seemed to leave my mom and he was holding three babies each with black strands of hair and two of them had crazy green eyes the other had electric purple eyes. The purple eyes didn't even look natural. Poseidon snapped his fingers and said, "now the doctors will think these two died..." He picked up the baby with the purple eyes and smiled at her "but this one stays with her mother." That's me! I thought.

~end of vision~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was back in real time and I saw the two teens. It hit me. They were my brother and sister deprecated from me at birth. I was a triplet. Apparently Caleb and Nico had the same vision because I looked at them and they nodded. I ran over to the guy and girl and they both froze. They were completely still for about thirty seconds then they began to move and the ran towards me and cried and hugged me and I did the same back.

They introduced themselves. My brother was Asa and my sister was Alex.

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