Our Memory (Minju x Reader)

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Hol'up... you guys really think I'll be leaving empty-handed? Here's an update for y'all so don't be sad.😉

Genre: Angsty angst...
Reminder: Some tissue recommended

Y/n's POV

"Minju-ya... It's not like what you think it is.."

"Then what? I freaking see you kissing another woman with my own two eyes. You still want to deny that?"

"Yes, because that was unintentional. Jeno forced me to go there and then just left me there."

"Unintentional? You're such a jerk Y/n. I fucking hate you so much!"

"Minju for fuck sake I was speaking the truth! I really am-" She slapped both of my cheeks very hard. It was really painful but she just won't believe me.


"You sure want to go in?" I asked my friend, Jeno.

"Man, come on. We're grown-ups already. We can have some little fun in there."

"Nah, man. Minju will get mad."

"You gon' betray me like this Y/n?" I hesitated to choose whether to go in or not go in.

"Urghh... fine. But for 30 minutes only okay?"

"Sure. Come on, let's go." We entered and gosh dammit it's FREAKING LOUD IN HERE!!! I feel like my heart is beating following the sound of the music beats. I turn around and see Jeno out of my sight. Oh gosh... I shouldn't have listened to that freaking kid.

30 minutes later

Sigh, Jeno is now walking with two chicks on his left and right. I shouldn't have followed him. He's walking drunkenly towards me.

"Hey, Y/n. How about you take one of these girls." He immediately let one of his girls to me.

"No, I can't Jeno! I have Minju remember? Take her."

"Oh, come on man. She won't know it. I'll be going now. Bye, dude. See you tomorrow." He waves goodbye at me and goes with his chick. Meanwhile, his other chick is sexually harassing me right now.

"You look very appealing and your body is pretty buff. I know a hotel near here. Wanna go?"

"No. Miss, please. I have a girlfriend I don't want to do this."

"I don't care about your little girlfriend. I just want to have fun with you." She said as she touches my X place. Oh gosh, I'm angry now. I pushed her away roughly and she still hold on to me.

Then, I saw Minju getting out of the taxi. I tried to go to her but then the fucking girl grabs me and kiss me. She won't let go of me. I immediately punched her and she's knocked out. I get her to the nearest guy from the club.

Luckily, that guy was drunk and happy to get something which probably he's happy he gets to do something that pleasures him. I run towards Minju and grabbed her hand.

End of flashback

"I won't ever believe in you again!" She runs away and I tried to catch her but... she didn't notice the light has turned red for the pedestrian's crossing line and... she got hit by a car. I watched in horror as she falls to the ground. I immediately ran up to her holding her head.

"M-Minju-ya... Please don't go, please... I'm sorry. I really didn't do it Minju-ya, please... Why won't you believe me..." I cried while holding her.

"I-I'm sorry... Y-Y/n... I'm sorry.,. I.., didn't... believe... in... you.."

"No, stay with me! Stay with me, Minju-ya! Please don't close your eyes!"

"I'm sorry... I... I love... you..." And she closes her eyes.

"I said don't.. close your eyes..." I cried.

6 months later

"Hey, Kim Y/n!" Minju said running towards me.

"Hey, Kim Minju. What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here you say? I'm waiting for my boyfriend of course." My heart starts to flutter... but... she doesn't mean that.

"Oh, there he is!" I look at her and look where her finger is pointing at. Well, if it isn't Jeno... Well, the good thing is Jeno's a good boy now.

Oh, why did this happen you ask? Well, she lost her memories... No, all of our memories after the car accident. She doesn't remember me anymore but only knows me because I'm friends with her... present boyfriend, Jeno.

"Babe you're here." He said as he kiss her forehead. I just watch that and buried the pain deep in my heart. I look somewhere else to distract my attention from them.

"Of course. Your work's over right? Let's go on a date." Hearing that makes me feel crushed. She used to say that to me whenever my work's over... I tidy up my things and walk away from them.

"Hey, Y/n. Where are you going?" I don't want to turn around because I'm already in tears.

"Umm... I want to go home quickly today. I want to watch movies."

"Why won't you go with us then?" She asked.

"I'd rather watch alone than interrupt your date." I fake chuckled to make it not obvious I already cried. I walk away and felt that somebody grabbed my hand outside the building.

I turned around and it's... Minju.

"Hey... what're you doing?" Then she starts to hug me.

"I'm sorry. I'm very sorry I can't remember you. I know you're probably don't like to see us together. But what can I do? My heart is already with him. I'm very sorry for everything Y/n. Hug me tight. I know you've always wanted me to hug you."

I hugged her tightly, remembering what her embrace used to feel like. I went on for about 3 minutes before I let her go.

"You should go now. He's gonna be waiting for you." She nodded and starts to walk away.

"Don't be sad. I'm still here you know? Bye." She waved me and I waved back with a smile.

She walks away until she's out of my sight. I turned back and continued my walk. I was too deep in thought until I didn't see the traffic light turn green. A honk was heard and all I see was... her face... before I closed my eyes...

Hey hey hey! Right before I leave I'm leaving y'all a tear jerking story. And I'm probably gonna go with made up names now instead of Y/n. Now I'm gonna go for real. Bye guys! See y'all after a month!😉

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