Its been 2 years since the winning battle between the pastas. Jessica and her crew haven't been more happier in their life. But what happens when the pastas come back stronger than ever. And what happens when an unexpected guest shows up.
Jessica's pov We are now going to do our group kill since we didn't get a do it last time because slender interrupted us. Brooke changes into her killer form which is
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And climbs up a tree spotting the bedroom and opening the window slilently so she can know when to actually sing. Roxanne and irene goes inside through the window i just opened and me,susan and lola do the same. We all walk into the bedroom and i hide under the bed getting out my knife. Roxanne hid herself in the corner and stops glowing red turning herself completely black. Susan and lola hide in the same corner making sure it's not facing the girl so she doesn't see them immediately. Irene goes into a corner and turns into her crystal killer statue self
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Landing with a thud on the floor. The girl wakes up and looks over to the corner to find irene and gets up to go over but before she touches her brooke starts to sing outside the window. The girl walks over and hoes to open the blinds but then i transform into my killer self
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And started to scratch under the bed as she comes over and looks under but before she can see me i turn invisible. "Ok bella your just hearing things" she said and susan and lola turns into their killer selves. Susan
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Bella looks up and sees susan and walks over with lust in her eyes. Susan dissapears and she is faced with lolas red eyes as she screams. Roxanne comes out and pounces on her biting her pressure point knocking her out
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Me and Susan turn visible again and brooke comes into the room as we grab her and tie her on the bed. We wait for 5 minutes and she finally wakes up. "Ok irene your first" i said as irene begins to scratch her arms and tear off her shirts scratching her stomach as bellas screams were muffled by the blindfold. When irene was done susan goes up and grabs her arms and starts to burn her insides as tears stream down bellas face and she continues to scream more and before her body gives up susan stops and it was lolas and brookes turn. Lola opens her mouth and yanks her tounge out as blood pours out of her mouth and she can't scream anymore. Brooke then yanks her fingernails and toe nails off one by one as bellas bed is know soaked with her tears and blood. And finally it was me and roxannes turn. I cut her arms and legs making blood pour out of them and i cut open her stomach and yanked her kidneys out as blood splattered on the wall. Roxanne gets on top of her and her eyes went wide as roxanne rips her head off gobbling it down. I also yank her heart out and split it in half as i gave brooke the other piece. Susan and lola split one of the kidneys in half and ate it while irene got the other one. We all looked at the bloody mess we created as i wrote night slayers-cp on the wall just so they know its not our gang version and under it i wrote beware on full moons. We all left the house and transformed back into our normal selves and teleported into our bedrooms falling asleep.