F is for Family

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Splinter sat cross-legged on the dojo floor in front of the little 3-year-old turtles who were looking up at him with curiosity.

"Little ones, today we will be learning about family...do any of you know what a family is?"

Donnie's hand shot up. "A family is...um us?" He asked hesitantly. Splinter nodded and smiled.

"That is correct Donatello, we are a family." He patted Donnie on the head who smiled back at him proudly.

"Let us start off easy...who am I, my sons?" He asked around, glancing at all of them. Mikey raised his hand.

"You're our daddy!" He squeaked with enthusiasm. "I mean uh sensei?" He corrected himself, blushing.

Splinter laughed and nodded. "Yes Michealangelo, you are correct...I am your daddy and sensei."

Little Leo then raised his hand, wanting to ask a question, "Sensei, what are some of the other family members called?"

"Well Leonardo, there are brothers and sisters and cousins, as well as aunts and uncles." Splinter replied.

Raph jolted up in a panic. "Ants?" He gasped. "I thought there aren't supposed ta be any ants in here, sensei!"

The wise father fought back a laugh. "No Rapheal, not those kinds of ants... why don't I start from the beginning?"

"When a man and a woman love each other very much, they get married...the man is then called a husband the the women is called a wife."

Raph raised his hand. "So, you are a....husband?" He asked in confusion. "I thought you were our daddy!"

Splinter smiled. "Well, the husband and wife normally have children...if they have a boy, it is called a son, if it is a girl, it's a daughter."

"Then they are called mommys and daddies, because that is what children call their parents." He added.

"What if there's more than one? What if there's two boys or girls?" Donnie asked curiously.

"Then the two boys would be brothers and the girls would be sisters...you four are brothers, you do not have a sister."

All of the tots were quiet for a moment. "What's an uncle?" Mikey blurted out. Splinter gave him a look but smiled patiently.

"When a man gets married and has children, the man's brother is called an uncle...same with a woman, only she would be called an aunt."

"Oh...where are our aunts and uncles?" Mikey asked, scratching his head in thought. "What's a cousin?"

"Mikey!" All the brothers shouted in annoyance. "Stop asking questions, you're annoying!" Raph yelled.

Mikey slowly lowered his hand and sadly looked at the floor. He felt his daddy pick him up and hug him.

"Rapheal, that was a little rude... Michealangelo is only being curious, it is ok for him, and the rest of you to ask questions."

He hugged Mikey and set him down. Raph crossed his arms in irritation and huffed, apparently now on a mad mood.

"Now Michealangelo, to answer your question...you boys do not have any aunts or uncles, as I was an only child...a cousin is the child of an uncle or aunt."

Leo raised his hand. "So we don't have a cousin either? Only brothers and a daddy?" He confirmed.

Splinter smiled. "Yes, that is right." He praised, thinking of what else he might be able to tell them.

It was silent for a moment before Mikey timidly raised his hand. "Daddy...I have another question."

Splinter smiled at him and waited. "You said that a man who is married has a wife, right daddy?" Mikey began.

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