Touch the Sky!

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It was the last day at the Kent household. Their fathers would be home soon. Damian and Jon were eating toast and cereal. Damian drank down the milk at the end of the bowl.

"We never get sugary cereal at my house." Damian said.

Jon laughed. "Yeah. We don't usually get sweet cereal but since you've been staying with us, I begged my mom." 

Damian looked over to see Mrs. Kent folding laundry while watching the morning news. He turned to Jon. "We're flying today. I know it."

The boys rushed off to 'take care of the animals', which basically meant clean the stalls, feed the goats and chickens and... learn to fly- normal chores, you know?

"Okay." Damian said, putting down an emptied bucket. "Let's fly."

The boys walked out behind the barn and Jon climbed up a stack of hay bales. "Now what?" Jon asked.

"Think about flying!" Damian shouted.

"Right." Jon nodded. He jumped off and landed above the grass. "I'm just levitating." He frowned.

"Hm." Damian thought. "Well what makes you levitate?"

Jon was quiet for a moment, thinking. Finally he answered. "I levitate when I'm happy."

"When you're happy?" Damian asked. "Why would you be happy in battle?"

Jon shrugged. "You asked."

"Well what makes you happy?

Jon bit his cheek as he thought. "I like seeing other people happy."

Damian frowned. "Well we better find some friends or we're fucked."

Jon laughed. "We just need to make you happy, I guess."


"Hm." Jon sat on a bale of hay. "I'll never be able to fly."

Damian looked at his friend. Shit. He didn't want Jon to be upset because... no; he didn't care... right?

Damian sighed. "What if we take a break and come back to it. We can ask your mom if we can play video games?" He suggested.

Jon smiled. "That sounds better than realizing that I suck at being a super hero."

They walked back to the house to kill some time before their fathers returned home.

"One more round!" Damian said, knowing that he would lose if they stopped the game right there.

Jon smiled and picked up his controller. "Okay. One more round and then we have to eat. We haven't had anything but cereal and I'm getting hungry."

"Fine." Damian compromised.

Mrs. Kent looked out the window of the kitchen. She smiled. "Boys, they're home."

It was 2:30 on a summer day. Bruce and Clark pulled up into the gravel driveway. Jon and Damian ran up to the car.

"Hi, Dad!" Jon smiled.

"How was your mission, father?" Damian asked.

Clark rustled Jon's hair. "Hey, kid."

Bruce put a hand on Damian's shoulder. "It would have been nice to have a Robin. If you keep training and listening to my instructions, we may just take you with us."

Jon turned around to see the smile on Damian's face.

"WAIT!" Jon said, stopping everyone. 

"What?" Clark asked.

"Watch this!" Jon took off running, out towards the fields and jumped into the air.

"He's doing it!" Damian shouted, jumping into the grass and running to catch up. "How high can you go?!"

Jon squinted and searched out over the horizons.

"I can see the neighbor's farm!" Jon zoomed around in the air. "I don't know how to land!" He shouted.

Clark was about to lift-off but Bruce stopped him. "Clark-" He looked at his friend. "They'll figure it out. They're a team."

"Maybe you have to be sad!" Damian joked, laughing and grinning. He fell back into the tall grass and watched his friend learning to fly.

Jon figured out how to land after another few moments. He tripped, landing and fell in the grass, laughing.

Clark walked up to the front porch and kissed Lois.

"How were the boys?"

She smiled. "They were good, but they missed you both." She said, looking over Clark's shoulder at Bruce.

Bruce smiled politely. "There's a lot for me to learn from my son."

"Mine too." Clark laughed, lightly.

Damian and Jon were pointing out clouds. 

"They're pretty super." Lois smiled.

"Yep. They're our super sons."

Fly High, Superboy!- A Super Sons FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now