♥︎Lucky Strike♥︎

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(I could try and finish this but I don't really know where I could've been going)

(I could try and finish this but I don't really know where I could've been going)

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David texted her which startled her a little.

(Ella's outfit, just because this is more suitable for the current activity)

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(Ella's outfit, just because this is more suitable for the current activity)

(Ella's outfit, just because this is more suitable for the current activity)

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Liza grabbed Ella's hand and left their apartment. Liza put Ella in the car seat David put in his car for her.
He loved her a lot. Liza got in the front seat and they kissed.
Liza: I missed you a lot.
David: I've missed you too.
Ella: Where ya taking me today Bubba?
David: I'm taking you bowling!
*at the bowling center*
Employee: Can I get your shoes sizes?
Everybody gave their sizes and collected their shoes.
Employee alright you guys have lanes 15 & 16. Enjoy!
David paid and they walked to their area. Liza sat at the table. Liza soon got in a full blown argument with Ella's dad. They were in an argument because a girl who Chris was associated with had decided to start problems with Liza.
Liza: The thing is she don't like me and I really don't give a fuck about her! How the fuck she gonna tell me what I should've did with my child?!
Little Ella was oblivious to what was happening because she was playing with the guys who were like big kids themselves.
Chris: Liza she-
Liza: Chris I don't wanna hear it! She shouldn't be talking about Ella! How did she even get my number? She must've stole it from your phone. Why aren't you doing anything about this Chris?! Maybe you still see Ella as your mistake. She don't need you though and I certainly don't!
She was getting mad and emotional.
Liza: I don't give a damn what anybody says! She wasn't laid up with me, you were! She wasn't in the room! That's not her place to speak of my child she didn't make her! You know what and you can stay with her and not worry about Ella, she'll be fine!
Liza hung up.
Gabbie: Liza are you okay?...
She sucked it up.
Liza: You know what? I'm fine.
Gabbie: What happened hon?
Liza: Some bitch he fucks with, seems to have got my number she's saying this and that. I didn't want to abort Ella because I wanted her and because fuck that bitch. I don't want Ella over there. There's a chance she'll come there, I don't want to put Ella in danger.
She saw Ella trying to play with the ball dispenser.
Liza: Welly stop!
She went back to explaining
Liza: I'm not trying to be selfish or unreasonable but I love that little girl more than anything. I don't want to go through that stuff with him all the time.
Ella was trying to play on the slippery floor.
Liza: Ella no! We're going home. Your turn is over, come here!
Ella crossed her arms and pouted.

Liza: Kids, right? ...

She picked her up and sat her in a chair. Ella whimpered and whined.

Liza: Okay Ella you don't make your own decisions.
Ella kept being defiant.
Liza: I don't care about your whining Ella.... you're really starting to get on my nerves...be good.

My Little Blessings in Disguise - Diza fanfic(very old story)Where stories live. Discover now