Hiccup's POV
As night began to fall hiccup got ready, he quietly listened for his father to go to sleep so he could run into the forest with the two bags he had packed earlier that day. As he was waiting he realised that Moonbeam never answered all of his quastens.
"I guess I'll have to ask her again when I get there."
About one and a half hours later Hiccup heard the front door open and then slams shut. He waited and listened as Stoick made his way to his bed. Hiccup waited until he heard his father start to snore, then he quickly grabs both of his bags slowly creeps down the stairs and out the back door. As he slowly closes the door he turns around it makes a break for the woods, make its way to that hidden cave.
"Hello, Moonbeam are you still here? It's me, Hiccup. I know I'm two days early but... can I stay with you?"
"Hiccup, why do you want to stay with me? Won't your father or village miss you?" said Moonbeam
"I'm not really welcome at home, and my dad's going to be replacing me with my cousin Snotlout."
"Well now, then they are going to be missing out on a great person. Is only natural for kids to make mistakes, they should not be punished for learning. Everyone big or small, young or old, they all make mistakes, and in turn we learn from those mistakes. Tell me Hiccup, after you make a mistake do you repeat it again?" Moonbeam asked.
"No, I try a different way after I make a mistake. And keep on doing that until I find an answer, or at least I try to. They never give me a chance to try to solve my own problems, they always keep on yelling at me, and never actually give me a chance to explain or a different solution"
As hiccup and Moonbeam we're talkin they made their way deeper into the cave, as they were walking they passed by a bunch of different kinds of doors on their way to the living quarters.
"What's behind all those doors?"
"Well, there are different training rooms, kitchens, some classrooms, two very big libraries, a forge, a few living rooms and even a few brewing and summoning rooms. This place has been here since Gods knows how long; all I know is it's been here before any Vikings have settled here." said Moonbeam.
"Wow all of that is in here, how in Odin's name has no one found this place. I mean we've been living here for about 300 years"
"Well that's because this place is surrounded by magic spells that hide it from unwanted attention, only a select few are able to find this place without someone showing them. So that proves that your a very special person." said Moonbeam. "Well anyways this will be your room, Hiccup is there anything still in the village that you want to have with you?"
"Yes, I still have 5 bags hidden in the back room of Gobber blacksmith shop. Can you help me pick them up? Please?"
"Yes, I'll help you move the last of your stuff here." said Moonbeam.
Arthur's footnotes: Sorry for the late update been very busy I had used any minutes of free time I had to spare to write.

Dragon warrior
Fanfiction4 year old Hiccup joins a secret group that are training to be Dragon riders, and Dragon warriors. A 11 years later Hiccup comes back with his pack. Stoick, Astrid, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Fishlegs, and Snotlout have to figure out who Hiccup is now. I do...