Mid October ... 3/4 of a month later 😭
"Sir look, it's this thing called a pull-up and you've got to put it on please"
"Rumi, keep the crayons out of your mouth"
"Blue! Ima tell ya mama you twerkin!"
"She taught me! Drop to ya knees arch ya back girl, shake it like that ally cat"
Let me tell y'all a secret. THINK before you SPEAK. You're wondering how we got here? Let's go back shall we. After Jays cheating ass got caught, I suggested Bey move in with me, right? Y'all know that. So Blue has a top notch teacher coming to my residence everyday, the twins nanny comes and takes care of them while me and Bey are at school. After my two classes and lunch, I come home to watch all 3.... by myself. The nanny leaves, Blue's teacher leaves, and I'm stuck here with the kids. All while I do my last few classes online. Beyoncé doesn't get back until after dance practice, once she's back that allows me to go to work, I don't need to but it gives me a break from these kids. Remind me to never get pregnant. And to top it off, Bey thinks since we are coparenting, we should do parent things. It's cool and all until she needs a release, then I have to hide somewhere until it wears off because I'm not about fuck with 3 Plan B's running around.
"Hey China? You still coming over to watch the twins?" I had my phone pressed up to my ear while trying to keep Sir from snatching my hair.
"Yeah I'll be over after my tutoring session. Biochem is kicking my assss"
"Cool, if you need my notes you can have them... Ow!"
"What happened?" China asked laughing
"Sir over here beating my ass. You can't hit me baby boy, that's a bitch move"
"ya bish"
"Oop!" Me and China both gasped
"Bad word Sir!" I tried to scold him but it was too funny. He pointed down, so I let him go on the floor. He smiled back at me
"ya bish ya bish ya bish" he said over and over crawling away
"I hope he say that around BB" China was cracking up over the phone
"And I'll blame it on her. I gotta go make sure Blue is dressed. You're welcome to have Z come over and help you"
"I'm going to need it. See you"
"Bye chi-town" I hung up, and went to go find the kids. I had to baby proof my house so they shouldn't be doing anything too bad
"Blue are you ready to go, your mom should be back soon" I walked into my room and she was on YouTube.
"Y/n can you teach me this dance?"
"Yeah definitely , shouldn't be too hard" I watched the TV, trying to follow the moves
"You know what? How about this" I switched the TV to the game channel and turned on the Wii
"I never had one of those before"
I faked gasped
"Uh what is it?"
"It's a wii the best gaming system there is. Want to make a character?" She nodded and I helped her make one. After that I went to one of the best dancing games
"Who's that?"
"Michael Jackson... you don't know who he is?"
She watched the TV trying to remember"Nope"
"As much as your mom loves him you don't know him.... at all"
"At aaaaaall"