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part 3

Curtis House3rd Person POV

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Curtis House
3rd Person POV

"Can you grab me a beer?" Two-Bit asked as Johnny stood up and made his way to the kitchen.

"Oh, me too, Johnny!" Steve called out right after. The younger boy gave his friends a thumbs-up before he walked into the kitchen and rummaged through the fridge in search for two beers. The spiked eggnog had been finished off awhile ago, so the alcoholics of the group just resorted to drinking beer.

Johnny grabbed two bottles and shut the refrigerator, making his way back into the living room and handing the liquor to Two-Bit and Steve. He sat in his previous spot on against the wall next to Ponyboy, who was flipping through his new journal. Mickey Mouse played on the tv as everyone watched the cartoon, laughing at Two-Bit's ridiculous jokes. Even Darry had put his newspaper down and watched the show.

There was a strange feeling in the air, and the vibe of the Curtis house was definitely off. The boys, along with Evie, knew that Diana had been gone for a curious amount of time, especially if she was just getting cigarettes, but none of them were worried about it. If there was anyone that could be on their own and defend themselves it was definitely Diana. She was tough and fearless and everyone knew it. Still, a small sliver of doubt remained in the back of each of their heads.

Dallas ran his thumb over the D.W. initials that were engraved in the lighter he had gifted Diana. Before leaving, she handed him the lighter for safe keeping. All the man could think about was where she was and if she was okay. Much like Diana, he also regretted not going with her to the shop. There was nothing he could do now except wait or go after her, and he had this bad feeling in his gut, telling him that he should find his girl.

Dally flicked the top of the light open and closed, watching the flame spark and die out each time. As hard as the other boys tried to ignore the repetitive clicks of the lighter, they couldn't deny it was becoming quite annoying. "Jeez, Dal, I'm sure Diana's fine," Two-Bit huffed, throwing his hands up in the air as he peeled his green eyes away from the television.

Dallas rolled his eyes and glared at Two-Bit. "She should be back by now," he grumbled.

"She probably had to find another store," Steve reasoned. He always tried to think positively, but he knew that a trip to the drugstore shouldn't take this long. Steve was just trying to use logic before jumping to the worst possible conclusion.

"Yeah, it's Christmas Eve," Sodapop added, nodding his head in agreement. He figured that most stores would be closed, so that the employees were able to spend the holiday with friends and family. That's why him and Darry had off from work tonight.

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