A Chance Encounter/"A Farming-We-Will-Go!"/A Star is Born

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Miss Sakata, upon noticing Kaori, Tsubaki and Watari, yelled "There they are! AFTER THEM!" The three friends ran frantically up to the top floor of Ishikawajima Memorial Hospital, with Sakata and officers Kurosawa and Sonoda hot on their tails. As Kaori, Tsubaki and Watari made their way to the top of the building, they circled around a pole. Kaori looked downward on the ledge of the roof. They were situated about 80 feet/24 meters above street level. Kaori said "Dear god, we are so high up... uh..... you guys, it's too high!" Kaori then collided into Watari and Tsubaki. As they bumped her, Kaori was pushed over the rooftop. "HELP ME, YOU GUYS!" she yelled, but Watari and Tsubaki caught her before she could fall.

"WHY, YOU LAMEBRAINS!!" she then shouted at the two for making her nearly fall over, to which she then slapped her two friends. Just then, Tsubaki found a fire hose. An idea came to her. "Hey, look, a fire hose! We can lower ourselves down to the ground!" Kaori then said, "The kid's right, it's foolproof! Come on! Let's get down!" The three Nerima Stooges then unwound the fire hose and jumped down to the ground below, with Kaori yelling "LEAP OF FAITH!" then all three screamed as they came down.

However, the hose came off its reel; but what broke their fall was an awning. They still dropped to the ground, landing on a random teen boy. All four were quite dazed, but Tsubaki and Watari recovered quickly. Kaori, on the other hand, had the reel of the hose come down on her head, and moved around like she was confused. She also said in a daze after getting hit, "At the tone, the time will be 2pm precisely..."

Tsubaki then got out a cup of water, and splashed it on Kaori, with Tsubaki saying "Snap out of it, Kaori!" Kaori came to her senses again. She said "Thanks, Tsubaki, I needed that...." and told the random boy, "Ow! Why don't you watch where you're going, bud?" The boy said, "I'm sorry, 100 percent my fault. Sometimes I just get lost in my own head and I – Kaori? Tsubaki? Watari? Is that you?" Kaori then answered, "Depends who's asking." The boy said, "It's me, Masao Kishida."

Kaori replied with "Who?" Masao then said "Masao, from the bakery/orphanage, Masao. You remember, Kaori, I went home with the Kishidas." Kaori then said "What're you trying to pull, buddy? The Masao we knew was this tall and he only had one shoe." Tsubaki added "Yeah, and he didn't sound like you." Masao then said "Here- here, look, I got a snapshot of me and the Kishidas leaving the orphanage."

He then presented a photo of Masao being adopted by his new parents and Kaori being taken back by Hiroko and Kousei's family. Tsubaki said "Hey, it is you, Masao!" Kaori added "It all ties together now!" Tsubaki asked "I was wondering, how are the Kishidas doing? They seem like good eggs." Masao then said "Yeah, well Dad's doing great, I work with him at the law firm downtown; but Mother, she passed on several years ago, boating accident." Kaori, Tsubaki and Watari said simultaneously "Oh, sure, yeah."

Masao then asked "So, you three on Facebook? I'll poke you." However, the Stooges recoiled at the mention of "poke", being unaware that it's a different kind of "poke". He then said, "Better yet, I'll tweet you." Watari then said "Oh, tweet us to dinner? Soitanly!" Masao then asked " Hey, wait a minute, where are you guys living?" Kaori said, "You know the Sheraton in Minato district?" Masao said "Yeah." Watari then added "Yeah, we're camped out in the dumpster out back." Tsubaki then said, "But not the dirty, beat-up, green one, it's the shiny blue one right next to it."

Masao then pitched to the three "Oh. You know, I've got an idea. Why don't you guys come crash at my place? Just until you get your feet back on the ground." Tsubaki said "Oh, boy! That sounds terrific." Watari nodded in agreement. However, Kaori put cold water on the idea, saying "We're not going anywhere." Tsubaki then asked, "What the hell are you talking about, Kaori?" Kaori replied "Thanks, Masao, but we're going to stay put. We got too many irons in the fire right now."

Masao said "Of course you do. Hey, look, I got to get going. I'm supposed to be visiting a friend. Wait. Let's get a quick pic first." Masao got out a smartphone. "What is that gadget?" Kaori asked. "This is an iPhone." Masao replied. "An eye phone?" Watari asked. He then took the phone and held it up to his eye. "Hello? Hello?" he said, as he handed the phone back to Masao. "There's nobody there." Masao then told Watari "It works better on your ear. Here, come on everybody."

Just then, Kaori, Tsubaki and Watari got into position for their picture together. As they got into position, Tsubaki bumped into Kaori, with Kaori saying, "Where do you think you're going?" They then got into position, with Tsubaki "piggy-backing" Kaori and Watari. "Smile!" Masao told them, as he pushed a button the phone to take the picture. The three friends then got back on the ground. Masao said, as he was about to leave "That's great. It's so good to see you guys, really. You haven't changed a bit. See you guys soon!"

As Masao left, Tsubaki was rather upset with Kaori's decision to refuse Masao's offer to stay at his place. "Hey, girl, what- Have you got rocks in your head? Masao was trying to help us out, and you blew him off! What gives?" Kaori then said, "We'll help ourselves out." Tsubaki then said "Well, what about the bakery/orphanage? And Kousei? Masao's dad has dough, maybe he would have given us the 35 million yen."

Kaori replied, "We don't need handouts from that chump; we told those kids and Kousei we'd come up with the cash on our own, and that's just what we are going to do." Tsubaki asked "Yeah, how?" Something came to Kaori. "Well... we still got that seed money, the 10,000 yen, don't we?" Watari then said, "Seed money?" Kaori brought them up to speed. "The cash Kousei's father, Takahiko, gave us, remember?"

Kaori reached into her white Nike shoe and pulled out the seed money. It was ten 1000-yen bills. She smiled at her two friends as she brandished the money. "This 10,000 yen is our ticket to riches, guys!" she added. Watari wanted to know "Riches? Woo-woo, woo-woo. How do you figure?" Kaori then added "Well, it's seed money, right? What do you do with seeds?" Kaori then smacked Tsubaki. "Ow!" Tsubaki yelped. After Tsubaki and Watari failed to come up with a proper answer, Kaori told the two "You plant them. We'll become farmers!"

Watari snapped his fingers; they made a BOING noise as he snapped his fingers. "You're right, Kaori!" Kaori, noticing the noise said "Huh? What's that noise?" He then snapped his fingers to that BOING noise until Kaori snapped and said "OK, WATARI, THAT WAS FUNNY THE FIRST FEW TIMES, BUT NOW IT'S GETTING GRATING!" With that, Watari stopped snapping his fingers.

The Three Nerima Stooges (Your Lie in April comedy AU fic, COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now