Shipping Wars

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I am so over all of these stupid shipping wars in the Ever After High fandom.

You know what I'm talking about, the fighting over who's ship is better for whatever reasons people manage to come up with.  Particularly ships where one character is shipped with two or more different characters, such as Daring who is shipped with Apple, Cerise, Lizzie and Rosabella.  

One of the most notorious shipping wars in this fandom, as everyone knows, is Dexven vs Dexpid.  Now I'm a Dexven/Rexter shipper, not going to lie it's my favourite pairing in EAH, BUT that doesn't mean that I'm going to go out of my way to badger people who ship Dexpid.  There's no need for it.

So it bugs me when I see people using name calling or threatening to delete other people's comments who disagree with them about a ship, whether or not I ship that ship or not is irrelevant.  Bullying is bullying and it's uncalled for.

People seem to forget that this is a cartoon that is aimed at...  Wait for it...  Children!

Now I'm not saying that this is just a "kids show", I think we all know by now that most of the people who watch it are teens, but what I am saying is that it is designed to be a friendly show.

So, why does everyone have to try and convince people to ship what they ship or abuse them if they don't?  I mean come on people!  The fandom, and indeed the internet itself, would be a much more friendly place if we could just accept that not everyone is going to agree on everything.  People will ship what they ship, so it's best to just move on and focus on what you ship rather than what someone else does.

Until my next rant, have a hexellent day everyone!

- Lexa

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