He followed me towards the exit. We swam quietly past the sleeping guards. As we got to the exit. He grabbed my arm. "Thanks for saving me" He whispered. I smiled. From his saying that, made me proud of myself. "My name's Kappa by the way" I took his hand. "Siren" He grinned. As he swam out of the exit. He turned around towards me. He waved. But suddenly, he started to glow. The line flashed from him to me. Kappa stared at me. The same look as he gave me when we first met.
"I can't leave"
*Story to cut the story short.
Been busy lately.
And hopefully you like the cliffhanger**Stay tuned*

Connection(BL) /Completed/
RomanceHe is the Prince of an underwater city. A city cursed with death. But being the only unhurt and healthy, the townspeople are protective of him, but not as protective as his mother. Being locked up in the kingdom, never to be able to swim outside. Be...